söndag, april 30, 2006

"Golden ratio"

Actually I'm not sure what it's called... There's a golden proportion, a golden section, a golden number and a divine proportion etc. Call it what you want, either way there's a "magic coordinate" in an image, which makes the picture more appealing if handled the right way by the artist. The coordinate should "consider" horizon, objects and colours before creating the image. This soft rule usually works for both photographers and painters.

The thing is, that I remember something 'very important' from my art/composition studies. In any image, you can find a ratio or the proportions between measurement. This is of course easy to do. The interesting part is that you can find a "golden coordinate" of the image which appeals to us westerners more if the image lets the spectator focus easily on this place. [One course of IT studies not being science, does not mean that all do not].

"Without mathematics there is no art."
- Luca Pacioli

Well, after looking around online, my basic instinct is to put the horizon a third up the canvas, and a third in from right (about 13.3 cm from bottom and right on a 40x40 cm canvas). So, as a short description, I have planned the following:
- A female silhouette (mostly based on my mental image of my Hanni-bunny) on the right of image one and the left of image two - completing eachother as front/back)
- A horizon which is about 12-14 cm from the bottom of the canvas, just like the silhouete is 12-14 cm from the side.
- 2-3 objects (a cone, a pyramid, a globe/ball, a square/cube and perhaps 2-3 more basic shapes I think of in the creating process) in each image.
- Colour "opposites/compliments". For example with a blue sky in one image, there's a red sky in the other, while a green cube in one could give a red/purple pyramid in the other. Of course, the female silhouette could then be black on the left and white on the left painting...

Qustions? Comments? Thoughts?

The day after...

- "The evening before"
- "The afternoon before"
- "Turning 29"
- "Growing old"
- "Hellish birthdays"
- "Random thoughts"

Well, I could continue finding suitable headlines for the post, but I guess it the long it's boring to read.

I'm really happy about getting a painters set - especially since I've been needing a hobby for a number of years, and been considering painting for a few of those... The main thing stopping me has been my brother's besserwisser attitude towards those things - he doesn't realise how much I know about colour composition etc. The knowledge I've been missing was mostly about brushes and canvas - meaning how the dried paint looks after using a certain type of brush on this or that canvas. This knowledge I think I'll find in the book I got from my other brother (yes there's a rhyme).

The cutest present was of course the squirrel, especially since accompanied by my cute girlfriend. (I'll remove the photo if there are protests)

I really felt sick when getting home from the party in my honour (well, mine and Hanni's.... or, mine, Hanni's and Lyd's since we all got present) last night. I didn't have too much to drink or eat. I didn't get some bacteria or virus running... I just got home after being bombarded with negative comments about me (hearing I'm too fat, and I'm worth less than the dog living there etc.) and a lot of booooring conversations I don't care about (some videos me and my brother made when kids, thinking we were movie producers/actors - and being asked 3-5 times why I don't remake the old video tapes to a DVD... of course I could tell them that the current generation of DVD's won't be used any more in ten years, but why bother talking to people who only listen to their own voices?)

I don't really care that much about turning 29, since it's just a number. Maybe I'll care more next year - but then probably more because it's a tradition. I care about traditions more than I care about my age.

Yesterday, I really got annoyed about the dog nibbling on my arm or hand any chance he got - especially after getting rid of it and then getting some weird "lecture" about "the dog lives here and you don't - he can do whatever he wants, accept it". It's extra weird that my evil stepfather just walked away after I asked (kind of politely, but a bit irritated - and of course with some irony) if I should just let the dog do whatever he want to me just because he lives there.. Well I don't want to swear here so I'll just say I was "a bit upset"..

I love having this blog to write in - how did humanity survive for so long with this kind of stuff?

This blog saves my mind once in a while - since it's so easy to write like to a diary, while my princess gets the whole thought patterns :)

So, in my first painting, whould I put the horizon two thirds from top or two thirds from the bottom? There must always be balance in an image, not only in colour, but also in positioning....

Even though I'm sad and currently have low self-esteem, I'm weirdly happy after todays Hanni-talk

So, the thoughts:

In sadness
In health
I walk

In work
In song
I talk

In thought
In danger
I love

In black
In white
I watch

I see
I hear
I taste

In memory
In feelings
I cry

In flavour
In smell
I care without details

In Sight
In judgement
I distrust

In travels
In knowledge
I relax

I understand
I know
I care

... therefore I am

fredag, april 28, 2006

Now that's a workout!

Phew!! I'm really warm-icky-sweaty after that workout! An hour (exactly 60 minutes for once) of upper body workout, and it really woke me up! 501 calories burnt is one of the highest I ever got (maybe highest) I got with that program :-)

Sometimes I think we're alone. Sometimes I think we're not. In either case, the thought is staggering.
- R. Buckminster Fuller

So, tonight's the time for a royal visit from my cute princess - I hope it's a great trip, and I'll see you by the ferries :) I really wish I had someone to help clean up here before the visit - but I guess I have to get that vacuum cleaner running myself, I just hope it won't blow a fuse like it usually does....

Today I won't post a recipe, but can still say what I'm considering (based on what I have home). I'll make a simple salad with some lettuce, tomato and onion. Then I'll probably mix it with some garlic, hotdogs and pasta, and hope for a nice little pasta salad for lunch/dinner (or whenever I eat it). The basis is to create from what is at home ;)

torsdag, april 27, 2006

To my happy squirrel

onsdag, april 26, 2006

Recipe for today

As a start, I sliced and diced a zucchini, a red onion and a yellow onion. After that I sliced a couple of hotdogs (without skin - cheapest I found, nothing fancy-schmanzy here). Then I added some liquid (milk, soy and garlic sauce; not too much, it's not soup!) and spices (curry, cayenne pepper and basil).

I continued by adding a banana and a small paprika. After a few minutes to let the liquids soak in, I put a chopped up tomato together with two smashed cloves of garlic and some salad leaves into the mix. Then I let the mix alone on very low heat, while warming some water for pasta (spaghetti), and went in here to add it all up ;)

½ Zucchini
½ Red onion
½ Yellow onion
3-4 Hotdogs
1 Banana
1/4 Paprika
1 Tomato
2 Garlic cloves
2-3 Salad leaves
Moderate amount of pasta
Liquid: Milk, Water, Soy sauce and garlic sauce

Curry, Cayenne pepper, White pepper, Basil

Right after finishing the "recipe", I added some Ruccola salat...

Lateral thinking and the Dish washing championship

The swedish national dishwashing team lost in the nordic final against Finland - it's a sad day for a proud country. Of course all swedish people of the world would proudly have worn "dishwashingbrushhats" if we had won the final - now we walk away in shame.

So, had you ever heard of a championship in washing dishe before reading this? I sure hadn't!

I did have some practice in the morning though, maybe I can be on the olympic team in two years. Dish washing is an olympic event right? So what's your advice on getting on the national team? The goal is of course the world cup gold medal and a place in the all-star team. However, any advice has to consider that I don't like to do too much unnecessary work.

An article I read mentioned lateral thinking - which is in a way news to me. I had used it before, but never heard of the expression. Either way I'm positive with three thumbs up. It's basically that you should think outside the box, and from more than one angle. You can easily find examples.

Now I'll go for a 30 minute cardio workout, I hope it helps in the long run when trying to fulfill my dish-dream! :D
MRI-images of unfit people show more evidence of brain-shrinkage according to a quote in the workout program. I don't know if that's completely true, or then permanent, but I know that when unfit, I feel a lot less "brainy" than when not. So start working out for that University session of yours ;)

Todays workout: 293 calories, 30 minutes cardio.

tisdag, april 25, 2006

Exercise your eyes!

The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

If you sit by the computer screen for too long, it's a good idea to exercise your eyes.

I spent six hours today on getting nowhere! Actually, that's not completely true - since I spent the first hour or so on actually getting something done, even though too slow. If you instead add the 20 minutes I waited for a train because my ferry came in late, and then standing 25 minutes in the metro waiting for it to start again, you find another hour.... woohoo!

Tonight Arsenal has the chance of getting to their first Champions League final ever - and tomorrow it's Barca who will go for the final (not their first though). Football is alive and kicking (actually the football is kicked and not alive, but who cares on a day like this ;p)
** UPDATE: ARSENAL FC IS IN THE CL FINAL! J. LEHMANN IS GOALKEEPING KING! (there's only one true Ghod, and he's a forward, but there can be more than one King) ** By the way, I just saw that Khan is the 14th highest earning football player in the world - I hope FC Bayern doesn't contribute toooo much of that earning considering some of his performances this season. I guess he's popular in commercials etc. after a long and succesful career as one of the best goalies in the world :-)

Weather forcast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.
- George Carlin

Two great signs of spring today:
- The sun kept shining all day, and we had around 18 degree in the shadow in Copenhagen
- The lock on my door works again (if you didn't know, it never works in the winter - but don't tell anyone ;p) - It's the door to get out of the building, not my flat, so nothing gets confused :D

Signing off for some workout and, if possible, a chat with my cute little missy H. ;)

måndag, april 24, 2006

Tired day!

Well - their baby is cute, I can admit that :-)

I got home 15 minutes before match start. Obviously I would have missed the start, and would have to take a pretty bad view of the match. Now I'm listening to the match on web radio, looking at the tv-text for the goals and reading live comments from online - am I too obsessed (if you answer yes I won't talk to you tonight, best advice is to ignore the question)?

We worked 6 hours, and I'm pretty happy about the result. But I became confused about how little he knows about some of the design techniques that can cut off hours each work day. There's a lot of CSS (stylesheets defining placement, colors etc.)

I slept 2.5-3 hours last night. I'm not sure why, but there could of course be a number of reasons, such as
- Being worried about not falling asleep
- Having the window open for too long during the day, letting a lot of pollen in to put my allergies on alert.
- Not having enough to drink during the day (now I run in to the kitchen and get something to drink)

Of course while writing this the opponents get the first goal - it's shown on the tv-text about a minute before I hear it from the id*ot webradio commentator.. Grr!! Signing off!

Morning has broken... or not

Do you know the felling when your eyes are still asleep and you are forced to confront them with a computer screen?!
I mean : I am most thankful that I am not confronted with bright natural light this early in the morning...
Eitherway the data processing lesson on early Monday mornings is just killing me.
Not just the bright lights ( from the head lights and the screens btw.)
Now I will continue acting like I am working on my page for a while.

Have a good one

söndag, april 23, 2006

Recipe of the day

As a new feature - also helping to remember old recipes I guess - I decided to post here once in a while what I have for lunch, dinner or both.

Today I'm having a salad with the following:
Red onion
Pine nuts

With it I have a dressing:
"Yellow fruit" Yoghurt
Garlic sauce
Lemon juice
Soy sauce

If you think there's anything weird about that, you just don't know my cooking well enough ;p

Interesting research.

Finally someone did the research: People are more drunk in weekends than the rest of the week!! This has been proved in a Blogger study conducted in Amsterdam. The study found that the word "drunk" was used more frequent in the weekends than on regular weekdays. I'm thankful for having that clarified. Or am I taking the irony too far here?

There's a new episode of BOFH. I found out interesting things about the creation, and decided to start doing workout ½-1 hour each day to loose weight. I'll combine it with some healthy food like salads and soups, while trying not to go for too many of those friday bars. Today I'll go shopping for some lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, paprika and maybe some nuts or other interesting thing to make it taste different than just a normal salad ;-)

My mom called and asked if I could find P-O's photo album... and for some reason it was here.

Lydia asked me what you want for birthday present - if you think of something send her a mail... or Calle if you don't have her address.

Have a nice day, and don't forget making me some pants ;-D


Update after workout:
Well, when Maya says 60 minutes, she really means 'at least 60 minutes'! Yiikes! I'm sweaty! Todays workout was about flexibility, meaning mostly Yoga-stuff. As usual 20-30 minutes of warming up and then some of the actual workout... Considering I haven't done such a long workout for a few months, and not regularly since last summer (august or september I guess), I'm pretty happy I can still stand up :-) The program crashed when I was about to shut it down, so I might do another 60 minutes of flex tomorrow when I get home from Copenhagen.

Because I'm a bit drained of energy now, I think it's easiest to skip the salad-shopping for today, and get something easy in the expensive store across the street instead. Easy stuff doesn't have to be bad for you after all, since there's sushi, ready-made soups etc as well.

I am however considering taking some of the easter chocolate today - it's 60% cacao after all, so it's full of health ;-) So, while eating that chocolate, I decide to ignore studies saying anything negative (although mixed with some positive) about it...


lördag, april 22, 2006

hey sabo

check out this page to make your own cartoon character
and for infos about the science of pixar animation movie at the science museum london

and a little picture I found :

Looks like fun , doesnt it!

onsdag, april 19, 2006

Hey baby!

How about weighing your neighbours car?
That and other fun experiments I found at the exploratorium

Hope your hair experiment went fine - looking forward to your new look :D
Cant wait to check you out - kihi

Luv ' u anyhow

tisdag, april 18, 2006

100th post! Healthier fries?

"How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct."
- Benjamin Disraeli

According to Danish research, Denmark has the healthiest french fries in the world, while New York has the least healthy. In the same article, I read that EU believes the danish regulations - which regulates the amount of certain fries fat acids in fries - hinders fair trade across the borders. So, currently EU is in the court against Denmark regarding fat....

For the first time this year, I went to Copenhagen without any thick sweaters. I welcome thee, spring :-)

"When you're through changing, you're through."
- Bruce Barton

The swedish government came out with their "spring budget" today. It seems like they finally (about 10 years after what's needed) make an effort for the schools and students. The levels of increase in student funds have been needed for 10-15 years, and if they had increased with that amount each year, swedish students wouldn't live with funds below "poverty limits", unless getting money from other places (which is not allowed, unless it's below a certain low limit). Since I dislike poitics I won't go ranting about it...

By the way, if you forgot the url for my start site - it's google/ig. Just create an account/log in, then simply add new content by clicking the link in the upper right corner. Please don't forget your login name/pass - it takes some time to set it up. I would've liked to set it up another way (more like it was before, with only text in a menu on the left side), but since I don't decide, and google doesn't seem to want users to decide... no more comment needed?

I really wish it was possible to add mathematic/scientific notes on blogger - it really kills me to write anything in my other blog!

"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true."
- Robert Wilensky

måndag, april 17, 2006

Chi, Prana etc

As I understand it both Chi and Prana are used synonomically for (life-)energy , sometimes also described as juice of live or the certain sparkle to make our bodies work in harmony with our minds.
Yama means control , disciplin.
How cool is it - this gotta mean that with PranaYama you can literally practice to breath in energy ;o) .
Tell me how it goes . Here is a sexy aryuveda model to keep you on track ;o)

Switching lifestyle a little is a welcome idea to me. I'd rather not do it in bet style though.
But telling eachother how it goes ones in a while and giving ideas is cool. ;p

Ayurveda, asthmatic reactions in allergy

Or is it Ayur Veda? Anyway, I saw on the morning news that this ancient wisdom can cure asthma, stress etc. Since I have asthmatic reactions with my allergies, this makes me think there's a possibility of me being helped as well :-) Therefore, I shall read a bit about it, and tomorrow I'll go to India and see if I can get some help (I wish) . Either way, if you know some good site about it - or maybe even stumble upon some way of finding experts in my area - I wouldn't mind a tip...

"We must understand eachother to completely understand ourselves, but we must understand ourselves to start understanding eachother."
- Emil Hunefalk, 2006 (so is quoting myself a bad sign of self? Should I simply write "unknown", or "scanian man, early IT age"?)

Aaaanyway. Of course I couldn't wait with reading something about ayurveda. I found an article about asthma and ayurveda. From what I see in there, 75% of people with asthma can be cured, mostly from change of lifestyle. I already knew anything (almost) can be cured with the right lifestyle - and sometimes additional help, so I seached on. There's a number of tips, actually too many to take at the same time. I'll try a few:
  • Morning or evening walk, and some yoga (don't know what pranayama means, but maybe I can find it somewhere)
  • Avoid tobacco and smoking - so I won't go to danish pubs for a while...
  • Drink a lot of boiled water - I recently started drinking a lot of tea, so this fits perfectly :-)
  • Avoid over exercise and over indulgence in sex - well, too much exercise is a matter of definition, and a distance relationship takes care of the second part I suppose.
I'll skip the home remedies, since it's too much extra work finding or making the ingredients (juice of garlic or onion, water with basil leaves etc.). I will however look at a minor change of diet, mostly meaning less pizza and more fruits and vegetables.

Maybe I shall make ayurveda, yoga and evening walks my new hobby - until I can find something more substantial ;-) I also think reviving the workout bet could be a good idea - a nice suggestion from my hanni-bun (k). As a grand finale, I will clean up my apartment.... some time.. some day... at least once this year... errrmm... hmm... twice?

lördag, april 15, 2006


As you may or may not know, spring is here :-)

I don't care if it's official or not - but the sun has been looking down on us the past few days, while the pollen has been looking up...

As can be seen on the picture, the cherry trees are blooming (hopefully somewhere - either way, I say thankya to heigel on flickr for a great pic)

A few days ago I was indifferent to everything - I no longer am.

I don't know if I'm really happy

I don't think I'm sad

But still - not being indifferent is a big step from being indifferent :-) I think lowering the level of stress, combined with a much needed trip to Hamburg did the trick

fredag, april 14, 2006

The missing link: A fossil!

"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example."
- Mark Twain

A 4.1 million year old fossil in Ethiopia is being called the missing link between humans and... well... earlier ancestors of humans. Google released a free online calendar. More interesting than other things, I arrived in Hamburg yesterday. In another story, a scientist believes that synthehol - basically alcohol without unpleasant side-effects, seen in the Star Trek series - could be created. I wouldn't be disappointed if I got the possibility of a few drinks without the day-after-effect of slow thinking etc. Now I just hope they can find a way of preventing people from doing mindless things.

"The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it."
- Patrick Young

torsdag, april 13, 2006

Blogger category archive?

After updating my developer blog, I thought it would be nice to write a few words here as well.

I've been looking around for a way to categorize posts on Blogger, but only found a few hacks which work around it with for example del.icio.us, some other external site or some script to install. I really wish there was a way to create whichever categories you want to use, and then display them as a link list on the side, leading to all the post of whichever link you want. This is available in many places, so why not here?As we are different people with a few different interests who write, it would be nice to be able to quickly find an old post if knowing more of what it's about than when it was posted...

"Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum (I think that I think, therefore I think that I am.)"
- Ambrose Bierce

I really like my Hanni's new picture blog by the way - I almost wish there were some comments or even poetry about the pictures, but an image says more than a thousand words according to the old saying :-)

Aaaaaanyway, now it's time for me to go for some lunch. Then I'll wait a few hours for the train. Too bad it's a holiday in Denmark - or I could've had lunch here at the university.

Happy Easter and Merry xmas!! ;)

onsdag, april 12, 2006

Beer causes lung cancer - Wine cures it?

I just read that there's been a canadian study which separated smoking from beer drinking when considering what causes lung cancer. The study had shown that drinking more than seven beer a week gives a 50 percent higher risk of lung cancer, while drinking up to six beer a week "only" increases the risk with 20%. The same study shows that people who drink wine recieve the opposite effect - but of course the article ended up with saying that wine drinkers are more healthy with other choices, which would be the cause...

"Bartender, I'll just have a few glasses of wine with my pints please"
- Unknown future bar guest (yes, I just made it up...)

In other news, Harvard now has a telescope to find alien lifeforms (actually, according to the article, to find E.T., Alf and marsians... ). Well, there's no other news to beat that today - signing off, bleep bleep ;-)

tisdag, april 11, 2006

Bad allergies!

"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow."
- Jeff Valdez

Two nights in a row now I've had trouble with the breathing, because of my allergies which feel almost worse than ever (which I probably say every second year or so). Anyway, since I couldn't sleep (at least not until 4:30 in the morning) I decided to "call in sick" today, and maybe work tomorrow instead - but then from home instead.

I'm considering calling to get a doctors appointment, but will probably wait until tomorrow and then get an appointment for next week. Today I'll take it easy, and maybe get some extra medicine for the allergies...

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."
- William James

For some reason I have a bad habit of hitting ctrl+S once in a while when writing something. If I write an e-mail the mail is saved on the server, completely unnecesarily. If I write here in blogger, the post is published, and I have to return to edit it...

"Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind."
- Marston Bates

Today and tomorrow I'm supposed to make some DirectX stuff work. I need to use a video as a texture, "straighten it up" (remove perspective distortion) and put an imported mesh (model of a house) on top some coordinates found in the video. If that's not enough, most of that should be done automatic, meaning the homography (basically shows point correspondences between coordinate systems) has to be calculated from the video to the texture automtically for each frame. I'm actually starting to think it could become slow - but hopefully I can move those calculations to the graphics card later, if it works satisfactory but slow now.

"The basis of optimism is sheer terror."
- Oscar Wilde

Of course, I'm soooo sorry about all the quotes, but since all were pretty good, and I won't be home in the weekend I thought it's ok :-p

måndag, april 10, 2006

Good one, Bad one, Ugly one

Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.
- Fletcher Knebel

Nooo.. no thinking of any old western movie here... Just some thoughts about the recently published list of the best and worst cities in the world. Not shown in that list are for example Copenhagen on 11th, Munich on 8th and Sydney on 9th - while the swedish capitol is a lowly 20th, which I'm not surprised by, considering the people there. I'm not really sure how that city, as well as Oslo and Helsinki, can be higher on the list than for example New York and Honolulu... Well I didn't make the list ;-)

Slow newsday - besides the change in government of Italy, I remember nothing interesting. Either nothing happened, ot I was sitting by the computer too much, solving some DirectX programming trouble. I'm not sure, but it seems like they've meda it harder to put video as a texture now than it was in earlier versions of DirectX. Does that make sense?

It seems like a couple of american TV networks will start releasing TV series for free download online, so people can download them the morning after first ir date. The downside is that they will include commercials and (at least try) to create some way of not letting downloaders bypass the ads... Interesting I say.

Brazil's first astronaut returned from space. On Venus, you grow younger instead of older, or at least the planet is spinning backwards compared to Earth. Another one says it's time for Linux to grow on PC's - in 12-18 months. We can only hope, wait and see :-)

I don't enjoy doing my taxes - but I guess I'll have to continue next week. Tomorrow I'll take a walk in Copenhagen after work, to shop for clothes. That is, if I have the energy after a long day...

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you'll never find it.
- CP Snow

söndag, april 09, 2006

fun with mozilla

hey there

when setting up my dads compy for going online
I found this nice add on for playin' music -
foxy tunes is what its called :)
u can just choose the player u r using and have fun :)
me like
but now I am gonna give my dad a tutorial
and after that I am gonna try the mozilla package including
html editor :)
Kihi :D

Do as you say , not as you do



Argh! I've started the tax declaration - which I guess I'll continue tomorrow... So far, it seems like I'll have to pay less than a quarter of my initial guess - which I can't say I'm sad about ;-)

"Failure is not the only punishment for laziness; there is also the success of others."
- Jules Renard

I'm going crazy from all that tax stuff - so I'll let it rest until tomorrow. Then I'll see if I can find some books at the library with extra information about the parts I'm uncertain at... since the tax people are experts at making illogical tax papers, and using the most difficult language they can find... Bureaucrats!!

fredag, april 07, 2006


hey baby
I am sick
and I have my IELTS exam tomorrow...
not a good combination I can tell ya

Wish me luck
I 'll be busy with that all day

10.00 til 18.00 I suppose

Luv u cutesi

P.S.: Hope you had a fun night out

torsdag, april 06, 2006

tweety loves you


Do quote!!!

In any language even ;o)

"Es irrt der Mensch ,
so lang er strebt"

Goethe's Faust

onsdag, april 05, 2006

Important news!

Because of complaints I quit writing quotes...

Groundbreaking news of the days:
Th-th-that's all folks!

tisdag, april 04, 2006


I'm sad!



Don't mention it - recommendation of the day....

Bad start of the year? Well I think there once was a worse one, but it's not really valid... Don't mention it, and I won't mention the [insert unmentionable]


Don't mention - or I won't mention anything for a few days, or see you for a few weeks...!

lördag, april 01, 2006

Update, April 1st

"Illusion is the first of all pleasures."
- Oscar Wilde

Surprisingly, China has taken over Google - see more here. The Mars Reconnaissance Craft has started adjusting its orbit, I saw a Web 2.0 name generator and the kind of scary "Cute Overload" site. The local newspaper stated that swedish voting will be taken care of using an electronic system created by Svenska Spel (Swedish Gambles - state owned company for gambling on football, lottery etc.).

Note: Today is April 1st.

"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
- Soren Kierkegaard