onsdag, april 26, 2006

Recipe for today

As a start, I sliced and diced a zucchini, a red onion and a yellow onion. After that I sliced a couple of hotdogs (without skin - cheapest I found, nothing fancy-schmanzy here). Then I added some liquid (milk, soy and garlic sauce; not too much, it's not soup!) and spices (curry, cayenne pepper and basil).

I continued by adding a banana and a small paprika. After a few minutes to let the liquids soak in, I put a chopped up tomato together with two smashed cloves of garlic and some salad leaves into the mix. Then I let the mix alone on very low heat, while warming some water for pasta (spaghetti), and went in here to add it all up ;)

½ Zucchini
½ Red onion
½ Yellow onion
3-4 Hotdogs
1 Banana
1/4 Paprika
1 Tomato
2 Garlic cloves
2-3 Salad leaves
Moderate amount of pasta
Liquid: Milk, Water, Soy sauce and garlic sauce

Curry, Cayenne pepper, White pepper, Basil

Right after finishing the "recipe", I added some Ruccola salat...