tisdag, april 11, 2006

Bad allergies!

"Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow."
- Jeff Valdez

Two nights in a row now I've had trouble with the breathing, because of my allergies which feel almost worse than ever (which I probably say every second year or so). Anyway, since I couldn't sleep (at least not until 4:30 in the morning) I decided to "call in sick" today, and maybe work tomorrow instead - but then from home instead.

I'm considering calling to get a doctors appointment, but will probably wait until tomorrow and then get an appointment for next week. Today I'll take it easy, and maybe get some extra medicine for the allergies...

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it."
- William James

For some reason I have a bad habit of hitting ctrl+S once in a while when writing something. If I write an e-mail the mail is saved on the server, completely unnecesarily. If I write here in blogger, the post is published, and I have to return to edit it...

"Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind."
- Marston Bates

Today and tomorrow I'm supposed to make some DirectX stuff work. I need to use a video as a texture, "straighten it up" (remove perspective distortion) and put an imported mesh (model of a house) on top some coordinates found in the video. If that's not enough, most of that should be done automatic, meaning the homography (basically shows point correspondences between coordinate systems) has to be calculated from the video to the texture automtically for each frame. I'm actually starting to think it could become slow - but hopefully I can move those calculations to the graphics card later, if it works satisfactory but slow now.

"The basis of optimism is sheer terror."
- Oscar Wilde

Of course, I'm soooo sorry about all the quotes, but since all were pretty good, and I won't be home in the weekend I thought it's ok :-p


Blogger Hanni said...

Well you can quote to me all you want in the weekend

ons apr. 12, 10:40:00 fm CEST  

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