måndag, april 10, 2006

Good one, Bad one, Ugly one

Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.
- Fletcher Knebel

Nooo.. no thinking of any old western movie here... Just some thoughts about the recently published list of the best and worst cities in the world. Not shown in that list are for example Copenhagen on 11th, Munich on 8th and Sydney on 9th - while the swedish capitol is a lowly 20th, which I'm not surprised by, considering the people there. I'm not really sure how that city, as well as Oslo and Helsinki, can be higher on the list than for example New York and Honolulu... Well I didn't make the list ;-)

Slow newsday - besides the change in government of Italy, I remember nothing interesting. Either nothing happened, ot I was sitting by the computer too much, solving some DirectX programming trouble. I'm not sure, but it seems like they've meda it harder to put video as a texture now than it was in earlier versions of DirectX. Does that make sense?

It seems like a couple of american TV networks will start releasing TV series for free download online, so people can download them the morning after first ir date. The downside is that they will include commercials and (at least try) to create some way of not letting downloaders bypass the ads... Interesting I say.

Brazil's first astronaut returned from space. On Venus, you grow younger instead of older, or at least the planet is spinning backwards compared to Earth. Another one says it's time for Linux to grow on PC's - in 12-18 months. We can only hope, wait and see :-)

I don't enjoy doing my taxes - but I guess I'll have to continue next week. Tomorrow I'll take a walk in Copenhagen after work, to shop for clothes. That is, if I have the energy after a long day...

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you'll never find it.
- CP Snow