söndag, april 23, 2006

Interesting research.

Finally someone did the research: People are more drunk in weekends than the rest of the week!! This has been proved in a Blogger study conducted in Amsterdam. The study found that the word "drunk" was used more frequent in the weekends than on regular weekdays. I'm thankful for having that clarified. Or am I taking the irony too far here?

There's a new episode of BOFH. I found out interesting things about the creation, and decided to start doing workout ½-1 hour each day to loose weight. I'll combine it with some healthy food like salads and soups, while trying not to go for too many of those friday bars. Today I'll go shopping for some lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, paprika and maybe some nuts or other interesting thing to make it taste different than just a normal salad ;-)

My mom called and asked if I could find P-O's photo album... and for some reason it was here.

Lydia asked me what you want for birthday present - if you think of something send her a mail... or Calle if you don't have her address.

Have a nice day, and don't forget making me some pants ;-D


Update after workout:
Well, when Maya says 60 minutes, she really means 'at least 60 minutes'! Yiikes! I'm sweaty! Todays workout was about flexibility, meaning mostly Yoga-stuff. As usual 20-30 minutes of warming up and then some of the actual workout... Considering I haven't done such a long workout for a few months, and not regularly since last summer (august or september I guess), I'm pretty happy I can still stand up :-) The program crashed when I was about to shut it down, so I might do another 60 minutes of flex tomorrow when I get home from Copenhagen.

Because I'm a bit drained of energy now, I think it's easiest to skip the salad-shopping for today, and get something easy in the expensive store across the street instead. Easy stuff doesn't have to be bad for you after all, since there's sushi, ready-made soups etc as well.

I am however considering taking some of the easter chocolate today - it's 60% cacao after all, so it's full of health ;-) So, while eating that chocolate, I decide to ignore studies saying anything negative (although mixed with some positive) about it...



Blogger Hanni said...

You have a strong will - I finished my easter chocolate before the easterbunny was back in his burrow.

sön apr. 23, 02:50:00 em CEST  
Blogger E. H. said...

heheee! I still have some of the Grappa chocolate left :-)

sön apr. 23, 06:55:00 em CEST  

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