torsdag, november 16, 2006

Oh what a day!

My head is mash!

I spent 4-5 hours at the library, reading, structuring and commenting articles, papers, notes and books - and writing four pages for my report...

I did some work before leaving the library as well - but nowhere else is as productive as there. It's amazing how interesting cleaning up, washing dishes and watering the plants can be when you stay home for studying...

I went through less than one percent of the material I already had, but still had to find almost as much more material to refer to in the report...

I created new algorithms for some parts of the program, which should improve both measurement accuracy and maybe even the speed. Hopefully I can implement it after dinner tonight...

I have tired eyes and a hungry stomach, but it's worth it after a productive day at the library...

I'm making fish and rice for dinner, accompanied by some 'summer vegetables'...

I believe I deserve watching some TV for 30 minutes following the dinner...

I start too many sentences with the letter 'I' in this post - I wonder why..?

I need to start yoga again soon, there's nothing else as relaxing...


Blogger Hanni said...

Because YOU are important!

tors nov. 16, 09:57:00 em CET  

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