tisdag, november 28, 2006

Why bother?

Some days I wonder if recruiters actually look at the CV before calling...

Today, while at the library, I was called by a recruiter from London (yes, the London in UK, capitol of England, Great Britain) , and was asked what my work situation was like and when I could be available for a job she thought suited me. When I said that there's 2-3 weeks left on my Uni studies and I would be available for jobs after that, she became quiet and said something like 'Oh, you are studying at the Uni?', even though it says that I'm about to finish up my studies in the first sentence of the CV I've sent to brittish sites, in the same first sentence where it says that I've been working parallel to the studies for the last 4-5 years.

She continued with something like 'since you are graduating now, you probably don't have enough experience' etc., even though I probably do.

Because the library was noisy (screaming children etc) while I talked to her, I didn't think about asking more about the job, or even stating that I probably do have the required experience combined with being a fast learner. Well, there's always things you think about after hanging up. I should probably make some list of questions and 'corrections' to use when talking to recruiters.

By the way, she said before hanging up that she found my CV in a search through their database
- I wonder why she didn't bother actually looking at the CV...