måndag, april 24, 2006

Tired day!

Well - their baby is cute, I can admit that :-)

I got home 15 minutes before match start. Obviously I would have missed the start, and would have to take a pretty bad view of the match. Now I'm listening to the match on web radio, looking at the tv-text for the goals and reading live comments from online - am I too obsessed (if you answer yes I won't talk to you tonight, best advice is to ignore the question)?

We worked 6 hours, and I'm pretty happy about the result. But I became confused about how little he knows about some of the design techniques that can cut off hours each work day. There's a lot of CSS (stylesheets defining placement, colors etc.)

I slept 2.5-3 hours last night. I'm not sure why, but there could of course be a number of reasons, such as
- Being worried about not falling asleep
- Having the window open for too long during the day, letting a lot of pollen in to put my allergies on alert.
- Not having enough to drink during the day (now I run in to the kitchen and get something to drink)

Of course while writing this the opponents get the first goal - it's shown on the tv-text about a minute before I hear it from the id*ot webradio commentator.. Grr!! Signing off!