Blogger category archive?
After updating my developer blog, I thought it would be nice to write a few words here as well.
I've been looking around for a way to categorize posts on Blogger, but only found a few hacks which work around it with for example, some other external site or some script to install. I really wish there was a way to create whichever categories you want to use, and then display them as a link list on the side, leading to all the post of whichever link you want. This is available in many places, so why not here?As we are different people with a few different interests who write, it would be nice to be able to quickly find an old post if knowing more of what it's about than when it was posted...
"Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum (I think that I think, therefore I think that I am.)"
- Ambrose Bierce
I really like my Hanni's new picture blog by the way - I almost wish there were some comments or even poetry about the pictures, but an image says more than a thousand words according to the old saying :-)
Aaaaaanyway, now it's time for me to go for some lunch. Then I'll wait a few hours for the train. Too bad it's a holiday in Denmark - or I could've had lunch here at the university.
Happy Easter and Merry xmas!! ;)
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