måndag, juli 31, 2006


Weeee! Well well well..

Things I am:
Sweaty, tired, happy, uplifted, crazy
Weird, After-football-smiling, missing
missed, joyful, warm, psycho, humming to music...

Things I have:
Joy, NI!-T-shirt, beer, Big Smile, Big Weight
Sunny days, Extreme heat, Sweat, Fan, Cookies
A WooooooooooooHoooooooooooooo feeling!

Things I want:

A move abroad, To be done with thesis, My Hanni close,
A great player for my favorite footie team, financial security,
A great job after thesis, A happy Hanni, Joyful days,
Time to relax, Becoming good at Yoga and Pilates without videos,
Vacation, Travelling, And a big big screen TV....

(just kidding about the last one)

hey darling

Things I am :

tired , nervous, edgy, jumpy, tingly, tangly, tangling
confused , irritated , irritating, wondering, lonely ( now and then),
missing something, missing someone, longing, distant , aloof, insecure

Things I have:

desire, revelations, coffee, space, freedom,
peace, plans, anxiety, breath (smelling like coffee right now though),
blues ( I got the blues, yeah) , shadows, rythm, rainy days, sunny days, cloudy days, thunder, lightning, fireworks

Things I want:

independence, security, self-esteem, a good look, to feel precious,
inspiration, wisdom, knowledge, destination, freedom, experience , to go wild, to be still, centered , ready

How about you?

fredag, juli 28, 2006

Copenhagen trip

So.... a full day in Copenhagen with Johan and his new girlfriend.

She was nice but very tired the first few hours. Kept talking about coffee all the time. Reminds me of someone ;-p

We first walked from Nørreport station for 2-3 hours, first to just walk and so I could show some different parts of the town - then two hours walking to find somewhere to eat, with outdoor serving, good prices and interesting menu. We ended up at the mexican-italian place where we once were. There we had to wait for an hour before getting the food, but it was really good to sit down and relax....

After lunch, we went to their hotel so they didn't have to carry the bags, and could recharge the batteries for the camera.

Next, we went to Nyhavn, for the water tour of Copenhagen (the girlfriend had been to Cph, but not on the tour or Tivoli), which was almost the same as we went - but much cheaper...

Last, we went to Tivoli. We walked a lot in there, without taking any rides. We did go into some "race track" with postmen on bicycles though. The rules were simple: If a postman stops where you bet, you win. It was the only thing I played (only once), and it was the only thing I won at - a box of chocolate which took us 5-10 minutes to finish...

I was home in Hbg around midnight, and then walked slowly through the festival we have here now. There was some horrible music on the only stage I passed, and some kids disco in a big tent. I didn't really stop anywhere, but I saw a third of the festival in less than 30 minutes. Now, I'm going down for more - expect me back in less than an hour ;)

onsdag, juli 26, 2006

There you go, the photo upload didn't time out today :)

Today, I took the longest walk so far this summer - around 1h45min, including walking up the stairs/hill 5 times and taking a long walk by the north harbour etc... Nice 'hood this time of the year. I heard more danish and english being spoken than swedish on my walk. I think I heard swedish conversations three times, while I heard at least 20-30 in danish, 5 in english and some german, portuguese and french. I wonder if everyone who actually lives in the city went to the beach ;D

On the way out, I met an old lady and her caretaker. They were worried about the locks to the laundry room not working correctly. I promised to call the landlord (tomorrow, since they had already closed). The old lady then carried on talking about how bad it was etc - another of those moments hard to get out of.. :)

One minute later, I bumped into another neighbour I had never seen before, who started talking about the weather.. then the helicopter wheel which fell off from a hundred meter altitude, and of course some more complaints - then mostly about motorcyclists driving in the city at speeds over 150km/h (percieved speed I guess), before he finally stopped talking and jumped on the bike and left :D

So, talking to unknown swedish people:
a) Weather - easiest way. You can always start by stating the obvious ("that's some rain lately", "it's really warm here today... blabla.. and yesterday was also really warm", "I really hope there's some rain soon" - don't forget the swedish complain to live and live to complain ;p)
b) "Local news" if you know any - Something like "that neighbourhood is really bad, they [politicians/police etc.] should do something about it"
c) Local events - "Are you going down to the festival? Did you try the moose kebab yet?"
d) National politicians - "It's unbelievable that those politicians get away with [going to brothels/getting a gigantic salary raise each year/manipulate blablabla]"
e) Weather again...

Whatever you do, don't talk about:
a) International politics (unless joking about the politicians - where swedes enjoys jokes about their fat prime minister and the stupid/clumsy american president the most)
b) War - What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Unless you want a conversation killer... Most swedish people will go quiet from this subject, after saying something like "It's awful" or other short sentence...
c) [Country X] is better than Sweden because... - The swedes don't have a religion, instead we have the "Jante law" (Jantelagen), which basically says that noone is better than anyone else. If anyone is proven better, then they will be struck by jealous looks from any swede. Since every rule has an exception, there's also one here: The swedes are better than anyone else ;)

Enjoy the sumnmer (k)

tisdag, juli 25, 2006

Congratulations then ...or ditch your scale :p

Seriously I think your scale is right - you looked very good last time I saw you.
Delicious even :x
Keep up the good work :o) I have been doing my sit ups 4 weeks straight and am going for a run 2 - 3 times a week. And I have lost a kilo in the first week and nothing since - I feel great though subjectively I look firmer.
It bugs me a little -- I'll just show the scale by stepping on its head next week , that bastard.
Scale aside I think aslong as I feel as good as I do now I'll keep going.

Congratulations to you though , bowing before the master of kilo fighting.

Luv ya madly


Scale? Halloooouu!!

I think there's something wrong with my scale, because it's showing 15-25 kg less than it did 2-3 weeks ago... That's a bit much to loose in less than a month, especially since I only look a little bit thinner compared to then!

Workout so far today: 20 minute Pilates + 45 minutes with Maya (those 45 minutes was workout 139 with the program, where I used 238 calories - and became rrreeeeeally sweaty).

Now, I'm thinking of taking a shower and then a walk. Tonight, I'll try doing some Yoga, just to keep it up (of course, I'll do it at least 2 hours before bedtime, and then rest..).

Hope you have a nice day :)

måndag, juli 24, 2006

Weird days...

Yesterday, some woman rang the doorbell. After opening, I noticed she was so drunk that I couldn't understand her dialectic speech. She asked me 10-15 times if I knew my neighbour, when he was coming home, if he had been home lately etc - the same questions over and over, which I simply answered that I hadn't heard them and I don't know them - since I only meet them once a week or less, going into or out of my apartment while they are out.... For some reason, the woman didn't understand that I have no idea about anything regarding the neighbour - but finally, I managed to say "good luck" etc and close the door anyway :)

Today, I tried calling the dentist - who of course started the vacation today, and won't be back until mid August. So, I'll have to call back then to get the tooth fixed..

Today, when I took my "daily walk", I accidentally scared an old woman feeding the ducks in a pond...

There's really a high level of humidity here...

I didn't get the energy to start working on my thesis until around 4 o'clock today. It takes a lot of discipline to work from home, but I think it would be more difficult to go to Copenhagen every day with all those tourists on the trains, while the danish trains have never been late as often before as this summer...

I'm guessing I'll go to Copenhagen on wednesday and thursday this week - first a meeting with Mads and the supervisor, and ond then on thursday I'll go have a few beer at Nyhavn, probably followed by going to Tivoli with Johan..

lördag, juli 22, 2006

Stitch by stitch

I seem to be having problems loading the pictures - hope you r having more luck

fredag, juli 21, 2006

God creates dinosaurs
God destroys dinosaurs
God creates man
Man destroys God
Man creates dinosaurs
Dinosaurs destroy man
Women inherit the earth...
I'm watching the dino movie Jurassic Park (with above quote).

So, Chaos theory - what is the opinion?

torsdag, juli 20, 2006

Without you everything is doofus:o(

Having a rather good day anyway :p
Actually it took me a week to get back on track after you left.
Now I am having a creativity boost. Its being fed by suddenly having 3 flatshares in prospect. One group sounds very nice and grown up , and the house is great but its among the most expensive - still ok though. And the first one I chose - remember the one I send you the fotos from (?) - seems to be back in the game if the other girl wont answer til Monday I practicly (?) have it. Thats great since its only 40 (wtf is the pound sign on this keyboard) a week.

Well hope your day is equally enjoyable.

Luv you madly ( but trying not to smuther)


tisdag, juli 18, 2006

Strange computer behaviour!

Well well well.... My 'media computer' acted strange again earlier today when I started it. There were messages about neither Linux nor WinXP working, and also something about the bios not supporting this or that - just like a month ago, when I reinstalled Linux to fix it. This time, I rebooted a few times without any luck (just like last time).

After a while, I simply shut it down and planned to perhaps reinstall again later, after searching for reason. A couple of minutes ago, I tried starting it again, and behold: It started like normal! It only needed a rest I suppose :-D

I was just considering starting a movie on the media comp, but now Beverly Hills Copp II is starting on TV, so maybe I'll watch that instead :)

Yep yep yep...

Hrm.. I somehow managed to pull out the phone cable without noticing it last night, so I missed some calls.. Sorry :-/

Some danish research shows that it's more dangerous for women to smoke than for men...

Awful match yesterday!

Now I'll relax for an hour with 4400, before preparing for a quick laundry session which I have to be done with after 2.5 hours so I can go to the dentist (ain't I the lucky one?)

måndag, juli 17, 2006

Hello Lover

hey baby
Lovely week with you - once again I wish we had more of those.
Once gain I remain here coping with silence and emptyness.
If you feel anything like me I figured you might like a visual.

In case you like it,
please post one of you in return ;o)

Our little Artwork is posted on my fotoblog -- it looks like a holy cow to me , a bit indian with the stuff on the head looking a bit like the feathers.
What do you think?

Hope your day is going allright. I just got mail from the british college application authority a saying "DONT PANIC!" Which works , since its good to see that panicing is common in my situation ;o)

Holding my thumbs for your team tonight.

måndag, juli 10, 2006

Worst trainride ever??!?!?



Impossible? No, not in Denmark!

First the train is 20 minutes late getting to the station - that's ok, since they're always late in the summer...

A minute after leaving the station where I got on, the train stops - no station close - and stands for a few minutes...

I find the (probably) last seat on the train - next to the fattest and smelliest person on it...

I can't get up and stand, because there's multiple blisters and bubbles under my feet...

The train is at least 35 degree warm...

5-10 times the train stops between stations - and of course more and more mini-children start screaming...

After getting off the train - 2 minutes after the ferry left - I see even more screaming children, stupid tourists and general idiots, as usual just in the way...

On the ferry they take 60 kronor for a 'healthbun' (seems fat to me, but whatever) and a simple beer... I pay the price and find somewhere to sit - of course with screaming children, children playing with noisy things etc..

When getting home, I can barely walk because of my feet hurting too much!

Now, I'm drinking some cold wine while writing this, and thinking of the foot bath I'll hopefully have in a few minutes while watching the old movie Nosferatu (first vampire movie ever?)...

söndag, juli 09, 2006

Mozart wife photo

The photo is in the city of Alltötting (Bayern, Germany) , and was taken 1840 - 49 years after Mozarts death. I found it on the website of the swedish TV channel where I read the news.Costanze was 78 years old when the photo was taken, and died 2 years after.The photo has been validated as real by experts. In the photo, she sits besides Max Keller. The picture is one of the oldest kept photos in Bayern.

lördag, juli 08, 2006

The Wife of Papageno

Since I couldnt find the foto of Mozarts wife, I read a bit about her - a really interesting woman! Give this guardian article a read. Its amazing all she has done in her life - including merrying a danish diplomat ;D.

This painting is from 1802 , when Constanze was 40. She moved to Copenhagen 7 years later with her danish husband Georg Nissen, who Mozart's children called "Daddy".

Post it , if you found the photo.

fredag, juli 07, 2006

Me: Clumsiest yet?

Well, I almost set my kitchen on fire...

I put something in the oven, and started the plate instead..

Of course, I had some stuff on the plate...

The things on the plate were obviously made of paper and plastic (great combo on the plate, I know)..

After 3 minutes I heard something (you know how a grilling fire sounds?)...

After 5 minutes I ran into the kitchen, seeing glowing paper, and smelling a lot of smoke...

Well, no fire....

torsdag, juli 06, 2006


Yes I care , silly.
Respect for the long walks - I can hardly move in this weather and havent worked out since Sonday -
but I had mainly fruit today to make up for it - just one real meal which also consisted mainly of "pointless" stuff like tomatos, paprika and onions. And glassnuddles , yum yum.

Also went for some gardenwork in the late afternoon and evening - after the mean firey ball went away. Right after the thunder, lighting and some rain started so I couldnt really take fotos.
Here are some pictures of someone elses permaculture though - looks pretty much like it - just that I took smaller boxes (about 40 x 50) and I didnt get the chance to put he earth on. Just put alittle on earlier so the boxes dont fly away. Would be to bad about all the work I've done. Feels espiacelly much in these temperatures.

Sry about the post break btw - I had big problems dealing with the heat. But I think I found a way now : stay out of my "apartment" most of the day , 2 hours after sundown I might come back up - and maybe find energy for my daily post ;o)

Now I am gonna call my boyfriend and ask about his thesis work :p

Your HanniBunni


It takes 30-35 minutes to walk from my University to the main Cph station, I would've guessed at least 45 (I walked once last summer, but then I stopped by the water for an hour or so and relaxed - this time I just walked my usualy pace) . After getting home, I took another walk here in Hbg, taking about 30 minutes, and I'll probably take another after the football tonight (that's between 19-21, and Sweden's best player ever - called Ghod in Scotland - is making his debut after 13 years abroad).

Now it's time for Pilates :)

[Btw, I was still effective in my thesis work, but I know you don't care about that...]

måndag, juli 03, 2006

Todays workout: 45 minutes, Core workout, 359 calories. On the side, I took the long way home with the most stairs I could find (below Kärnan) .'

I'm going to Hamburg next week. Finally I get to spend some time with my girlfriend! Hopefully, I won't have to divide my attention on too many other people. I'll go with the ferry tomorrow just to get a ticket, and then take the long way home, with as many stairs as possible (going up one way, down another and then up again etc - which I think is the best way to gain stamina) on the way.

Btw: Spinnach is very much recommended as food if you want to loose weight - since it helps you stay away from hunger as long as possible, unless someone keeps nagging about food ;-p