There you go, the photo upload didn't time out today :)
Today, I took the longest walk so far this summer - around 1h45min, including walking up the stairs/hill 5 times and taking a long walk by the north harbour etc... Nice 'hood this time of the year. I heard more danish and english being spoken than swedish on my walk. I think I heard swedish conversations three times, while I heard at least 20-30 in danish, 5 in english and some german, portuguese and french. I wonder if everyone who actually lives in the city went to the beach ;D
On the way out, I met an old lady and her caretaker. They were worried about the locks to the laundry room not working correctly. I promised to call the landlord (tomorrow, since they had already closed). The old lady then carried on talking about how bad it was etc - another of those moments hard to get out of.. :)
One minute later, I bumped into another neighbour I had never seen before, who started talking about the weather.. then the helicopter wheel which fell off from a hundred meter altitude, and of course some more complaints - then mostly about motorcyclists driving in the city at speeds over 150km/h (percieved speed I guess), before he finally stopped talking and jumped on the bike and left :D
So, talking to unknown swedish people:
a) Weather - easiest way. You can always start by stating the obvious ("that's some rain lately", "it's really warm here today... blabla.. and yesterday was also really warm", "I really hope there's some rain soon" - don't forget the swedish complain to live and live to complain ;p)
b) "Local news" if you know any - Something like "that neighbourhood is really bad, they [politicians/police etc.] should do something about it"
c) Local events - "Are you going down to the festival? Did you try the moose kebab yet?"
d) National politicians - "It's unbelievable that those politicians get away with [going to brothels/getting a gigantic salary raise each year/manipulate blablabla]"
e) Weather again...
Whatever you do, don't talk about:
a) International politics (unless joking about the politicians - where swedes enjoys jokes about their fat prime minister and the stupid/clumsy american president the most)
b) War - What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Unless you want a conversation killer... Most swedish people will go quiet from this subject, after saying something like "It's awful" or other short sentence...
c) [Country X] is better than Sweden because... - The swedes don't have a religion, instead we have the "Jante law" (Jantelagen), which basically says that noone is better than anyone else. If anyone is proven better, then they will be struck by jealous looks from any swede. Since every rule has an exception, there's also one here: The swedes are better than anyone else ;)
Enjoy the sumnmer (k)