torsdag, juli 06, 2006


Yes I care , silly.
Respect for the long walks - I can hardly move in this weather and havent worked out since Sonday -
but I had mainly fruit today to make up for it - just one real meal which also consisted mainly of "pointless" stuff like tomatos, paprika and onions. And glassnuddles , yum yum.

Also went for some gardenwork in the late afternoon and evening - after the mean firey ball went away. Right after the thunder, lighting and some rain started so I couldnt really take fotos.
Here are some pictures of someone elses permaculture though - looks pretty much like it - just that I took smaller boxes (about 40 x 50) and I didnt get the chance to put he earth on. Just put alittle on earlier so the boxes dont fly away. Would be to bad about all the work I've done. Feels espiacelly much in these temperatures.

Sry about the post break btw - I had big problems dealing with the heat. But I think I found a way now : stay out of my "apartment" most of the day , 2 hours after sundown I might come back up - and maybe find energy for my daily post ;o)

Now I am gonna call my boyfriend and ask about his thesis work :p

Your HanniBunni


Blogger E. H. said...

Actually I take walks BECAUSE of the weather ;) Otherwise I would've stayed in and done real workouts...

I did 20 minutes Pilates btw, was pretty easy - lying down when working out is niiice ;p

I'll see the garden next week if you don't get any photos up

You didn't ask about the thesis work ;'-(

tors juli 06, 11:22:00 em CEST  

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