onsdag, mars 29, 2006

Today in life and news

"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
- Dan Quayle

For some reason, I find it enjoyable writing nonsense. Therefore, here's another sentence. (You can quote me on that). I found a cheap memory card for my phone - so now I can finally load more than one (small) podcast into it at a time. The risk is I'll listen too much to it and forget the world around me...

In the news last night I saw that there's an allergy vaccine, which can be used in Sweden. The downside is that there's no information on where to get it or who to contact to get it in my neighbourhood - even though the news was in the local morning newspaper. It has to be a place close by, since I'd have to go there a few times a week when starting the treatment.

More news about allergies say that will be more this year than for ages, because of the long cold winter. Newspaper have their usual headlines about what to do: Don't have pets! Don't grow a beard! Don't go out! Don't dry your laundry outdoors! Don't open the windows! Don't smoke (active or passive of course)! Don't forget medicine (and start early)!! etc etc... It's strange how some of them forget that exercise builds better lungs and therefore makes breathing easier, which is one of the major problems with allergies....

There was a solar eclipse today. I read around 1 in the afternoon that the eclipse "will start a few minutes before 12". Some sites are updated too seldom ;) Other news today include a broadband company admitting that p2p file sharing is not as an extreme traffic burden as some claim. Currently, Conan O'Brien is singing Tooraloora in Jiddisch - only 1.5 weeks after St. Patricks Day. Finally, for anyone who wants a pet Tarantula, now you can find out how to pick it!

"Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it."
- Laurence J. Peter