lördag, mars 18, 2006

Weird... warm... cold... hmmm!?

Fever, me? NO! Well at least I won't give in to it...

If this post is a bit weird/unusual, I'll just let you guess why from the first sentence...

When I sat down 2 minutes ago, I heard a loud *crrzzzaaarzrzrzrrrk* like pants breaking in the seams... Looking down, I saw nothing wrong, and there was nothing wrong when I felt on the back either... You be the judge if it was just a hallucination or if there was some other seam that went bearszink-ping..

Since my dear little girlfriend has decided to find me cheap, I have decided to have cheapness as a goal, no matter how hard it will be to reach this goal....

Tonight is yet again an episode of one of my favorite brittish series - Couplings, which has surpassed most in humour. However, it will of course be difficult for any other to come close to the Doctor (Who?)

I find it very interesting that my girlfriend has decided to find jobs for me in London in March - considering I won't move there before after my thesis exam in October....
Good luck!! ;-)

I enjoy Port, I find it enjoyable :-) Tawny is top 2, but the other kind is one I can't remember after a few glasses of... errr... Tawny Port... ;-)

Is there a reason that women blame everything on men, besides wanting to have the power in female hands?

Ice Age 2 is coming soon.... I hope soon enough (March 31.st). I love those 3D-animated movies. However, I've been a bit disappointed with the last few ones I saw...

I don't know why enjoy writing so much even though noone reads it.... Well I shouldn't look down on the fact that writing your thoughts down gives extra thoughts to the thoughts.... Interesting thought?

2-3 hours ago I decide to cut down from 2-3 pizzas/week to 1-2 pizzas/month since I need to get rid of some weight.... 1-2 hour/s later I got myself a pizza, it was the cheapest dinner I could find in the store and I also need to save money (if you didn't know, I spent about €400 more than expected on a short trip to London this week - on a student budget that's a lot)