Last free day...
Well I started my last day of the summer with a workout :-) I did a 60 minute flexibility workout, but maybe should've changed it to cardio or weight loss. My weight is stuck at 9-10 kg lost. I wonder if that has something to do with all the beer, bread and schnaps at my moms the last two weekends ;-D I should probably have some salad instead of other food for the rest of the time the bet lasts...
I wish I was more motivated for the courses starting now, but maybe that'll change once I start.... I checked the old site for the 3D (3ds max modelling+animation) course I'll probably take, and saw some really nice renders, which gives a little more motivation for that one :-) maybe I can finally learn some better modelling..
I still don't know how to go with the Computer Graphics 2 course, since I'm not very secure in programming C++ yet - hopefully I can change that by making some more tutorials... I already made a spinning cube with photos from Berlin :-)
The last course will probably be "Advanced IT Project management with Software engineering" - long enough name at least :-D and since I wanted to have a project management course ever since I started at ITU, why not take the one that sounds most advanced ;-)
Well now I'll see if I can be lazy for a while in front of the tv ;-p Since I don't have much chance of beating you weight loss anyway maybe I should have some pizza followed by chocolate cake and finally chips with a movie.... well at least I have coffee with the new Grand marnier honey in it now :-D
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