måndag, oktober 30, 2006

booyahhh ! Time for an update!

So this is how things are! I have no freakin internet connection at my lovely home.
It is impossible for me to use a microscop. I wanna do microbiology btw.... dumdidum whoopsi...the most fun I had since I started is when I went to the river last night to do some design drawings... NONO I dont want to change subject or uni ... the cell biology unit that started today is actually interesting!!! And the lecturer is infectiously upbeat, which gives me a craving for coffee!

Yeah , btw , I cannot drink coffee (!). It makes me sick , I mean literally when I drink coffee I get ill. So I am pretty much in a dillemma situation, argh , I need a zip of coffee , yeah just a zip would doo ahhhhhhhhh,

Anyway, as you can imagine I am quite the cheer up to anyone around me , without energy, since I can hardly eat anything really and without the usual caffeindrive....

Well , maybe Depression is nothing more than the absence of coffee!

I really feel like a nice dinner with my boyfriend, having a pizza watching a movie without all these strangers around me. I wish theyd just dissappear!! Well no I dont !! My housemates are alright .
I am simply not used to being around people 24/7. I t is starting to get on my nerves.

How is your day going then? Do you have any news on the football stadium -- I saw you uploaded quite a lot... You also feel like a foam bath and some icecream?

Well I ' ll head home now, just because I have a craving for some painkillers and my bed.... weak I am , truly inferior to the common bacterium.... but hey I got boobs...;p you inferior protocyte ...

nevermind that....


torsdag, oktober 19, 2006


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for 'not enough coffee'
Wally (from the Dilbert comic)

My mind works in mysterious way, sometimes I remember things long after actually talking about it and then remember the details.

We talked about languages a couple of weeks ago, and tried to remember which language group polish is in. It's a satemlanguage (nope, never heard of before), with subgroups slavik->west slavik which Polish is a sub language of(like Czech and Slovak). Finnish, on the other hand, (like Hungarian) is part of the finn-ugrian language family, together with estonian (spoken in Estonia).

To continue a bit with languages, we go to China. Here, a multitude of dialects (perhaps should simply be called languages) are spoken, but everyone writes in the same way. If they would have an alphabet such as our western societies, they would have no clue regarding the writing either, and the country would probably not be able to exist in the way it does now.

Some people want to write words the way they say them. Considering the many dialects of most bigger languages, it would then become impossible to understand in one end of a country what someone has written in another end of the same country. Even in small countries such as Sweden and Denmark, there would be trouble in understanding...

(If you like the comics, I recommend subscribing to the Dilbert daily comic - it's a great way to wake up in the afternoon! :D)

onsdag, oktober 18, 2006

Living la vida loca!

Life is weird and crazy! Gaaraaaaaa! I miss sleeping! I miss relaxing! I miss taking a warm bath! I miss sitting by an open fire on a cloud free night!

I got an idea on a good way to continue programming around midnight - just after shutting the computer down. I decided that since I had already shut everything down, I should try sleeping anyway and continue the next day. This, of course, always works 'great' - giving at least one or two hours of sleep. I fell asleep around 1:30-2:00 and woke up around 4:00 again, without being able to go back to sleep for 1-2 hours. Now, I've done the programming changes I was thinking of, and also know the next step to continue with - the question is if I should sleep or if I should continue programming.

I still have the coffee rush from yesterdays morning coffee (there's a reason I only drink my own homemade coffee every third or fourth day), and I could probably keep on for an hour. Besides that, it's more difficult to let go of the programming and relax for sleeping if I don't get it done.

On the other hand, my eyelids are heavy, my neck is tired and really need to catch up on some sleep! Furthermore, if I go on programming there's no guarantee that it will work right away, and if it works right away, there's the risk of figuring out something else I can do before sleeping - making the time before sleep even longer.

I really should start with Yoga again - maybe the last half hour before going to bed should be dedicated to relaxing techniques. Also, a few minutes of meditation in mid day can make wonders for the thought process and relaxation.

To sum it up: logical knots are as bad as logical nots, probably worse....

söndag, oktober 15, 2006

my feisti googli bear

luv ya

torsdag, oktober 12, 2006

13th coming up...

Friday the 13th is coming up tomorrow - beware ;-)
Well, of course, it's just a number and a day and a lot of superstition. But some people believe in extra bad luck this day. In a similar way, many american hotels don't have a 13th floor, while the italian give golden charms with the number 13.

Some think the number giving bad luck has something to do with 13 people at the "last supper", but there's no way to tell how many people were actually at that little party. Others suggest the numbers have something to do with a "witch tribe" in old Israel. In norse mythology, Loki was an intruder when he became the 13th guest at the dinner table of Valhalla. The ancient egyptians believed that death was the 13th stage of life.

Meanwhile, it was a friday when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. In ye auld Rome, friday was the execution day, and was later named "Witches sabbath" by the christians, since the 'heathens' believed fridays to be good days. However, fridays are/were sacred both by norse mythologies and muslims. Of course, the name 'friday' comes from the norse mythology, where Frigg and Freya gave name to a day. In similar ways, Tuesday (Tyr), Wednesday (Wodin) and Thursday (Thor) have norse god names...

You could also look at the explanation from the Da Vinci Code, where the knights templars were arrested on Friday the 13th, October 1307. Whether true or not, there has been no documented proof of this superstitious combination existing before the 20th century...

So do you have paraskevidekatriaphobia?

onsdag, oktober 11, 2006

Well.... I spent some time programming today. I updated my thesis/programming blog, trying to explain how my modelling app works - of course not an easy task.

In other news, I bought a new toothbrush today, since I forgot my old one in London. If there was a contest on most boring post, this one would probably win the pulitzer bore-o-prize... ;)

tisdag, oktober 10, 2006


In the previous post I had decided to write about some "plans" for the future, mostly to try making them clear to myself - instead it became a short story of my trip home from London. Now it's time to make another try....

The first plan is of course to finish the thesis, and nothing else may come in its way. I'm hoping to be done programming no later than November 1st (maybe even a week earlier, but bugs may still need fixing then) and have the report ready about a month later. During the trip I wrote around 3-4 pages for the report, but no programming was done so I might be a bit behind on that. After the thesis is finally handed in, we have to take an oral exam about it within six weeks after the official deadline on January 1st. Of course this gives difficulties when searching for a job, since I don't know when I have to be free for the exam. Therefore, I'm hoping for some work from L and S, who I've been working with before. I got a mail from L today, asking if I can continue on the quiz site project soon, or if he should look for someone else to work with. I hope he can wait until November at least, which would mean I could work on it parallell to writing my thesis report.

This said, there's a risk that I can't start searching for a job seriously until mid-February. However, I'll apply for jobs anyway until then, and write in the application that I'll need a few days free in January-February for the thesis exam. If I don't get any work from L and S, I might not be able to visit London before getting a job (or at least an interview) either, which makes the whole situation more difficult since it's harder getting a job without a local address (maybe can use a "temp address" from someone who lives in London when applying to jobs?).

Trip home

Well... I'm feeling jetlagged... I know I shouldn't from such a short trip, but the one hour sleep followed by ten hours of travelling (and waiting to travel) shook my balance a bit. The first bus took came 30 seconds after I got to the stop (I wonder what would've happened if I missed it), and was faster than the London bus site predicted (that's what happens without traffic), but the driver told me when we were at the right stop to switch bus. On the second bus, I had to pay a new ticket (no machine by the first stop, and no transfer on the ticket I bought on the bus, argh!), but had no problem figuring out where I should get out (last stop, and a lot of other people with bags).

The bus trip was followed by a ten minute wait, until the Liverpool St. station opened, and then 30 minutes until the train left. When I got on the train, the first voices I heard were from a couple originating from the north of Sweden, who were complaining that they heard too many swedish voices on the station. I didn't say anything to them, but laughed a bit about it :-)

The airport was full of people, and it took around 30 minutes to get through the queues by the security. This time, I put most of the things from my pants pockets in the hand luggage so I didn't have to put them loose in the box. The laptop of course had to be put in a separate box like usual (I'm not sure why though).

After the security, there was about 30 minutes before the gate for my plane was shown, and I got copies of the Guardian and the Independent. Both at the same price, but the Guardian was organized more to my liking - even though I believe I've read more interesting articles in the Independent online in the past. The Guardian seems like a better "every day paper" for me either way, if I some day wish to subscribe to one...

After an hour waiting by the gate, I finally got on the plane for a smooth flight to Copenhagen followed by a train ride to Elsinore and finally the ferry ride and walk home. A total of four hours waiting and six hours of travelling gave me some jet lag afterwards, and I slept for six hours after getting home, making the body feel weird about which time of day it was. Now I'm trying to get back to normal, and managed to get up at nine in the morning - but haven't gotten much work done yet today. I wonder why I work better in the evening than in the morning....

söndag, oktober 01, 2006


What are you up to ? Earth to Emil : Please land UFO at a destination near me.

Not much to tell: There is The 5th Element on TV , but right now it is interrupted by housemates watching Match of the Day yippie

Some guy injured his head and is playing on with blood in his hair... yay something exciting happened!?! Any news from beautiful Sweden or Copenhagen?

Closing on a funny note