13th coming up...

Friday the 13th is coming up tomorrow - beware ;-)
Well, of course, it's just a number and a day and a lot of superstition. But some people believe in extra bad luck this day. In a similar way, many american hotels don't have a 13th floor, while the italian give golden charms with the number 13.

Some think the number giving bad luck has something to do with 13 people at the "last supper", but there's no way to tell how many people were actually at that little party. Others suggest the numbers have something to do with a "witch tribe" in old Israel. In norse mythology, Loki was an intruder when he became the 13th guest at the dinner table of Valhalla. The ancient egyptians believed that death was the 13th stage of life.
Meanwhile, it was a friday when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. In ye auld Rome, friday was the execution day, and was later named "Witches sabbath" by the christians, since the 'heathens' believed fridays to be good days. However, fridays are/were sacred both by norse mythologies and muslims. Of course, the name 'friday' comes from the norse mythology, where Frigg and Freya gave name to a day. In similar ways, Tuesday (Tyr), Wednesday (Wodin) and Thursday (Thor) have norse god names...
You could also look at the explanation from the Da Vinci Code, where the knights templars were arrested on Friday the 13th, October 1307. Whether true or not, there has been no documented proof of this superstitious combination existing before the 20th century...
So do you have paraskevidekatriaphobia?
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