onsdag, maj 03, 2006

Sweatlog update - with sweat and art talk!

Horray! I'm sweaty! 345 calories after 45 minutes in workout 118 with Maya. It was a core workout :-) My hair is dripping with sweat, so I'll sign off right away ;)

As can be seen on the photo, I did some painting. I made a silhouette to the right of one painting, and sketched a horizon and a "glass cube" as well. What I'll do next is to figure out the direction of the shadows from the cube (and objects in the other painting). There's a possibility to have the light coming from behind/above the silhouette, but then there's a risk of the lines being "too perfect" in following the lines of the cube... I'm also considering having light coming from above/left of the image - giving shadows toward the bottom right in the painting. We'll see how it goes :) Either way, it's always good to put your thoughts down before making decisions...

So I painted a bit more...

I think it looks a bit better on the photo than in reality, maybe it's because it's a low qality photo, or maybe because the sketch lines aren't visible in the photo. The white parts you see in the photo are full of sketch lines in reality, so I couldn't leave it like some "winter landscape" :)

It's difficult to stop once you really get started ;D

I added some grass on the ground, a bit of color on the cube and some shadow from it. The remaining white part will mostly be dark green... I'm currently considering adding some splashes of red, but I'm not sure where...

Instead of the typical quotes, I'll end this post with a video.


Blogger Hanni said...

congratulations to the first paint on your canvas (k)

ons maj 03, 06:51:00 em CEST  
Blogger E. H. said...

Thanks, are you still saying that after the second and third additions of paint? :D

ons maj 03, 07:22:00 em CEST  
Blogger Hanni said...

yup - looks even greater now
really does pay of to make a plan before you start.
great outcome so far
/love Hanni

ons maj 03, 10:08:00 em CEST  

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