fredag, juli 08, 2005

Another workout method :-D

Now I found a comp program for getting the best exersice, best meals etc.. You have to start by testing yourself, and registering a few things in there (current weight, goal weight, resting pulse, pulse after workout, height, age etc.) and then trying how much you can take of a few different exercises (push-ups, sit-ups etc) to get your profile. Then you tell how much time you have for working out every day, and if you want to loose weight, or if you are working out for cardio or other reasons :-)

There's even a menu if you want, but I'm not sure I'll use that... for example, todays meals would then be:

Thursday: 1600 calories
Thursday Breakfast — Breakfast Links, a Oat Bran Muffin, and a Mango
Thursday Lunch — Nonfat Cottage Cheese, Peaches, Chips, a Carrot, and a Roll
Thursday Dinner — Burrito Pie with Avocado Salad and Fresh Salsa
Thursday Snacks — Nonfat Strawberry Banana Yogurt with Extra Banana
I think I'll stick to salad and other things I think is healthy for now, since that diet requires too much following of recipes (yes, recipes are included in the program, and also nutrition info).. However, I'll try the workout program on some days, while using Pilates on other days :-) There's even Yoga instructions in the program, so that could be fun, not that I'm sure about if I have enough space here :-D

Either way - time for lunch, probably a salad - ttyt

Update after lunch (14:00)
The link I added is in swedish, but seems like a good site for nutrition tips etc... for example, the author says that coffee is good for loosing weight :-D

I'll add/translate stuff I find there in the blog once in a while, that's why I put the link there..

Now I'm making coffee before taking a walk :-)