tisdag, juni 21, 2005

I found the lost weight - *phew* !!!

Well the lost kg was back again :-D

The day started with breakfast consisting of an egg, a bowl of Gröt, a sandwich and some filmjölk in a cup.

Tomorrows breakfast is planned to be only a sandwich and a bowl of Gröt (I ran out of filmjölk and eggs in the morning, and decided not to refill)


The lunch for today was a tuna salad, consisting of:

Tuna (in water, not in oil)
Fresh Salad
One tomato
Some cucumber
... and of course a dressing consisting of Balsamico, Olive Oil and garlic/basil/oregano spices yummy imho :-)


The exercises were not what they should be, but in the heat... I went to Helsingör, then carrying back 24 cans of beer the 15 minute walk home - at least better than no exercise ;-) well my part of the workout bet didnt start yet so...


Blogger Hanni said...

Well that sounds like more workout than I had so far ;).
Maybe I should carry a keg of beer home from the subway station tomorrow to keep up with u :p

tis juni 21, 09:23:00 em CEST  

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