Wednesday = Wellnesday :)
I didnt really eat much today ... and I hope it stays like that :)
For Breakfast I had a zip of coffee on my way out.
and in school half a bun with "Frischkäse" (u know what that is in english?/swedish?)
later I had a "real" cup of coffee.
and some bitter lemon at the café.
when I came home around 2 I had a sandwich.
and before my appointment I had some extra time so I bought some strange mini bun with baked in spinache.
For dinner I had fish (Scholle) with some veggies and rice.
So my body is well obviously, well maybe I should drink some more though.
Nope, I don't know what frischkäse is - except that it's cheese I guess :-p
... and the Sake night was good for me too :-)
Hope you have nice day today (k)
It's like cream cheese but without most of the fat. :p
so what is cream cheese? :-p
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