lördag, juni 18, 2005

Let the games begin

Decided to start today.

So here is what I ate today:

3 Slices of ciabatta with cheese/carotsalat
--> Next time I ll take dark bread or/and
knäckebrot and skip the cheese
half an apple on the way from the subway to the office
--> Never buy fruit at that kiosk again (tasted like nothing)
At the office I had spread over the day:
orange juice, coffee and lots of water
4 baby tomatoes
3 carot pieces
( from a fellow trainee :) )

When I came home I had half a cup of yoghurt with 0,1 % fat .
( very good when u r very hungry and need something before starting dinner)

1 yellow paprika
1 Tomato
5 Champingongs
1/2 cup of rice
3/4 of a tuna can ( dolphin friendly fished ofcourse :) )

Since I am hungry again already I ll probably have some fruit.
But before 20:00 ofcourse.

This is fun :)