tisdag, november 07, 2006

Another day...

My mom came over for lunch after finishing work early today, and brought bread, apples and some 'extra stuff' :-D After chatting with her over lunch I now know what to give my brothers for x-mas and what to give my mom for birthday, and also know where to get it :-) Actually, I'm giving my mom a painting or two for her birthday (the 'psychedelic' ones I made in the summer), since I don't have time to make new ones or buy something (no time for anything but the thesis now).

My programming went on last night, but every day gives some part which has to be figured out. Yesterday, I had to change a lot of old programming to fit with a new improved algorithm I designed. Today, I need to figure out how to iterate through multiple photos, calculate the relative pose (rotation and movement of the camera) and then calculate the size of a 3D model from that. I know what to do about 98% of that, so hopefully the last 2 percent won't give any trouble :-)

Btw, I'm not going to write here every day! It divides too much of my attention from the thesis, and there's not that much difference from day to day for me atm. Have a nice day