söndag, september 17, 2006

Elections, nightmare and thesis stress

Seven hours until the swedish election polling stations close, and they start counting votes. I'm actually nervous, since this is an election where I think it's more important than ever that we get the right result. Otherwise I believe the country will plunge into financial, educational and 'unemploymentational' turmoil.

I had a nightmare last night, and I still remember it! Somehow (in the nightmare), I had misunderstood something about my thesis deadline, and it was supposed to be today - when there's also the elections and a couple of important footie games! I somehow wrote 80 in 30 minutes, finished the programming part, and then turned it in a minute late and thereby failed. There's no stress like thesis stress - it can crush any mind over such a long time (8 months so far, 1.5 month left) with new complex mathematical and computational algorithms each day, while being asked by everyone you talk to about what you will work with afterwards, and how easy that kind of job is to get etc - there's no rest in any part of your life! One comment works better than most: 'GaaaaaAAAHH!!!'.

Tonight I'll go for election dinner at my parents, so call my skype n:o to reach me. I'll keep the laptop close, and hopefully be able to work on the thesis a bit while following the results. After that nightmare I'm not letting it go until I get the grade!