torsdag, augusti 31, 2006

Growing up!

I'm getting old! I have plans! Ihave plans both for this weekend and for September 13th! Ten years ago I didn't plan anything, including homework - except perhaps for going to all home footie games of the local team, there was no structure.

Five years ago, I planned even less, except for Champions League games with the local footie team.
Now, I've made multiple plans again - and the local footie team is not in them! At least it's about footie and the Champions League, since I'm going to watch FC København against Benfica (Portugal) on the 13th. This weekend, I'm doing the "grown-up" thing of going to a shellfish party. It's grown-up simply because there's a lot of spice-schnapps, but at least the behaviour of the people will be silly enough with some stupid songs and probably some weird hats...

I have of course also planned to finish my thesis on time (deadline on November 1st) and to go for a weekend to London in September or October - but at least there's no dates set there, since it depends a bit on the progress with my thesis...

måndag, augusti 28, 2006

Every Morning is a good morning

Have a good start into the day.

Be free

onsdag, augusti 23, 2006

You are being surveyed/surveilled

Follow the link in the fotos for details

söndag, augusti 20, 2006

Latest painting(s)

The first one is just like the one I made before - with different colors. The new signs are supposed to be my name, according to some site I found..

The second one is far from finished, but I guess you can figure out what it's supposed to from the shapes I made so far. There's a lot left to add, and only the sky and water parts are (at least almost) finished...

lördag, augusti 19, 2006


the other sister

I think thats the english title of that movie.

Does sound good , more of a thinker , then a testosteron movie though....

Hope you are having a good summer , miss you as hell.

You can create your own devil here

fredag, augusti 11, 2006

El Greco, and slogans

I found a site where you can change facial photos (from front only) to different age, race or paintings - it's pretty funny to play around with :-D

Here's an example of me, El Greco-style:

I also found a slogan generator, and get slogans for a word or name :D Some examples:
  • 151 Countries, One Emil.
  • Gives A Meal Hannah-Appeal.
  • Have a Break. Have a Hune.

måndag, augusti 07, 2006


Morning, well 5 minutes to global noon time.
Time for breakfast ;D
Luv ya

lördag, augusti 05, 2006

Had a great day -- perfect amount of productiveness, socializing, philosophing and future planning.

At the Infostand you always get in touch with plenty of different people, some chat , many are friendly and some ignore you and some are feeling attacked by some strange woman saying " Good Morning - May I give you this (leaflet) " . Well, I admit its rather forward of me to address someone in such a friendly way without even being properly introduced to them. Thinking of starting a voluntary "citizen name tag" -campagne to straighten that out.

Oh btw to everyone reading this, dont feel ashamed to read through a strangers diary:
May introduce myself: I am Hannah from a big city in Germany and I welcome you to go through my stuff. I have nothing to hide ;o) I luv people, even the mean, grumpy , annoying ones.

Anyway so that was fun, well and then I took the bike and tube to get my ticket and on the way I wrote in my black book again, the first time in a long while.
When ever I wanted to before I hadnt packed a pen or I forgot the book or it just wouldnt flow, the thoughts I mean not the pen.

So now I am at my desk wondering if I should watch a bit of stupid tv....mhhh

ya ok off to do that....