lördag, augusti 05, 2006

Had a great day -- perfect amount of productiveness, socializing, philosophing and future planning.

At the Infostand you always get in touch with plenty of different people, some chat , many are friendly and some ignore you and some are feeling attacked by some strange woman saying " Good Morning - May I give you this (leaflet) " . Well, I admit its rather forward of me to address someone in such a friendly way without even being properly introduced to them. Thinking of starting a voluntary "citizen name tag" -campagne to straighten that out.

Oh btw to everyone reading this, dont feel ashamed to read through a strangers diary:
May introduce myself: I am Hannah from a big city in Germany and I welcome you to go through my stuff. I have nothing to hide ;o) I luv people, even the mean, grumpy , annoying ones.

Anyway so that was fun, well and then I took the bike and tube to get my ticket and on the way I wrote in my black book again, the first time in a long while.
When ever I wanted to before I hadnt packed a pen or I forgot the book or it just wouldnt flow, the thoughts I mean not the pen.

So now I am at my desk wondering if I should watch a bit of stupid tv....mhhh

ya ok off to do that....