torsdag, maj 11, 2006

sunburns , football and hiking in spain

hey sugar

today our school had a "hiking day" nobody hikes though - well if you call walking from the harbour ferry 5 minutes to a free spot on the beach hiking we did hike a little.
There after everyone had finished there fika a few of us started to play some beachfootbal - it was more like sand kicking though . Well sand , glass and barbeq-cole unfurtunetly , which did mean things to my white pants.
All-in-all it was nice school day / if just all where like that *sigh*

"Life is 10 percent what you make it, and 90 percent how you take it." – Irving Berlin

Interesting man btw - he played the piano , but only on the black keys :o) , that little weirdo .

Anyway got the idea of going hiking in spain for some time in the summer :
Maybe in June already - after all I am free after that.
Just 2 weeks or so , and after that I still got time to spend a month with you.

Live rules


Blogger E. H. said...

Hope you find someone to hike with :-) I won't have more than "the occasional weekend" free in the summer I think, at least in June. In July I'll probably spend most of the time to write a report, so I should be able to do that from home...

tors maj 11, 05:19:00 em CEST  
Blogger E. H. said...

So when are you sending a photo of your sunburnt self? Red or brown-ish burnt? :)

fre maj 12, 09:00:00 fm CEST  

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