tisdag, maj 09, 2006

Happy Europe Day!!!!

Did you know that today is Europe day? I found out in the morning - and have only seen signs in one other place since, in another newspaper with the same angle. Both newspapers basically had the same story, saying that the May 9th, 1950 was the day the European Union was concieved - although in the shape of the coal and steel union which was formed to avoid european wars. This has evidently been a success. I'm not surprised that there's no celebrations here in Sweden, since the swedes are among the most negative toward EU in the Union, and has the highest percentage of people who claim that EU has done nothing good for them...

Sometime they'll give a war and nobody will come.
- Carl Sandburg

I went shopping twice today, mostly to get out of the apartment. First time for groceries (I had decided to only buy water, but came home with 10-15 things) and then for clothes (decided to get a pair of summer pants/shorts, bought three pairs of "short pants").

Blogger is really extremely slow today, I hope it doesn't last too long... Of course, 2-3 minutes after posting, the response time went down from 10-15 minutes to 30 seconds, which only makes it "a bit slower than usual".

I could continue the football ranting which I've had a few days, but I know you aren't really interested. Either way, I'm happily surprised about the english world cup squad, and looking forward to finding out about the swedish in a bit more than half an hour.

Don't worry about people stealing an idea. If it's original, you will have to ram it down their throats.
- Howard Aiken

At this moment I see two old men arguing about the weather. At least it looks like that's the topic:
  • One looks worried about possible rain, while pointing at the sky.
  • The other sticks his hand out to feel if it's rainging (in extreme sunlight...)
  • The first points up, now a bit red in the face. He looks like he wants to convince the other "it will rain soon, look over Denmark"
  • The second replies, again with the hand out to feel for rain: "I think I'll at least make it to the car without a problem"
  • The first one says that he should be careful of the sun-glares while driving and is then pulled in the door by a younger woman
  • The second old man hurridly says "g'day to ye", swings his jacket (25-30 degree Celius in the sun now) over the arm and walks away...
I don't think it will rain for another 2-3 days at least (4-5 according to some weather forecasts, but since when are they better than I am at football?)

A few days ago I found out that my thesis partner, M, is trying to make .net work with linux, using the mono project. This gave me a bit of new fuel to switch to Linux on at least one of my computers. Since .net is part of my work, and probably also will be in the future, I need to be able to use it at home, in the ofice and "on the go"...

The ancient sages said 'do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon', so may one just man become an army.
- The Margin Waters-series