We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.
- Frank Tibolt
So I finally have a "free day". At least free from doing the same thing I've been doing every day for a week - i.e. working on my thesis - so I'll use this day for doing some useful things like go to the store, work on crossword-site to earn some money, maybe do some testing on the thesis software (I'm not sure I can stay away from it ;p) and actually have some relaxing time with a book or two and maybe even watch some tv to shut my brain down.
I'll probably start writing a plan on what to do in the next part of the thesis as well.
By a curious confusion, many modern critics have passed from the proposition that a masterpiece may be unpopular to the other proposition that unless it is unpopular it cannot be a masterpiece.
- GK Chesterton
I still can't help myself with pushing ctrl+s (save) on the keyboard after writing a long passage or editing something, even though I'm not done with the post. Too many years with text editors?
So, todays news roundup includes the following:
- IT professionals have the most stressful profession.
- Companies in Germany are being told by the head of the employers association recommends companies to let workers watch the World Cup.
- In Saudi Arabia, there's a problem for women wanting to buy lingerie. Is that the biggest problem there?
- There's a tutorial to show you how to delete your usage history on a Windows machine. I use EasyCleaner to get rid of things like that myself - since there's no reason to keep it, while the program is good for cleaning other stuff as well. Of course, on some systems you can still recover the history, so don't think you can hide anything completely by deleting it...
- Learning how to paint is a great way to relax :-)
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