onsdag, mars 08, 2006

"Lazy" morning but Stressful day...

... and 15 minutes after writing the headline, I start writing the rest :D I just got off the phone with my mom, who told me she wants to research some distant relation with a famous person (a "wise old lady") from a few hundred years ago....

I'm starting slow today, gathering energy for the rest of the day - where I need to program some DirectX (actually just create a simple plane with a video texture, and make it look like the camera is flying over it) and then continue an old assignment I worked on a few months ago (paid work that is ;p). Well, actually my slow start includes some workout, so maybe OI shouldn't say lazy too fast or too often ;-)

Perhaps tonight I should have some beer, to make me more clever and richer, while preventing cancer and lowering the calorie intake.