tisdag, januari 31, 2006

Cheese!!! :)

Here is my Hundertwasser batch. We stopped here for to hours on the way to Leipzig
Couldn't have been a better stop:

Hundertwasser Station Uelzen photoset

måndag, januari 30, 2006

Cutestziest girlfriend!!

I just recieved a package - from Germany - and couldn't at all figure out what it was when I got the note to pick it up. The slipper just said "Germany" as description of what it contained...

Of course, I rushed over - curious as I was - to the post office. At first I thought the package would be full of books, since I'm waiting for such a package, but that the note was mislabeled. This time I was really happy to be wrong, since it's always the most enjoying to find a package from cute little german girl :-) Thank you Hanni bunny, I luuuuuvv yooou!

Of course, I must share the nice postcard from the package:

Movies, development and laundry

Well, another laundry day has passed by - seeing the (almost) completion of the development of another admin interface...

Sitting here I am, watching a weird movie - a strange young man in the ancient past has come to travel on a ship with the mighty Hercules and a band of wannabe sailors... and they all look more like vikings than greek, considering face shapes and hair color only.

Of course, my cutzie girlfriend decided to tell me that I haven't watched a movie I've seen at least five - and then made me guess which one it was... best clues at start being that I hadn't seen it and that I probably wouldn't like it if I saw it... Well it's one of my favorites in the category, which I of course can't tell here since "I haven't seen it" ;-D

torsdag, januari 26, 2006

Lazy day

Today I'll relax for the most of the day - watching a lot of tv, and maybe even playing some game on the comp is on the schedule. However, some time in the afternoon I'll have to finish the admin interface for the site I'm currently - but it's a simple case of limiting access for different people. There are super admins and municipality admins who will have access to different parts of the admin interface, so they can only change their own parts - and of course one municipality admin shouldn't be able to change the parts belonging to another municipality. Either way, that's a job for tonight... now it's tv-time :-)

onsdag, januari 25, 2006

ExamDayHamburg - a common way of putting words together?

I got a 9 on the project exam!!!!!! WooHoo!!

With high spirits I got a new keyboard and 512MB RAM right after getting home - it's a joyous day!!!

The day started awful, got worse... and worse... and then we got the grade - so it doesn't matter how bad it was earlier, it's all in the past now :-)

Of course, part of the celebration was to get a ticket for Hamburg - leaving Cph at 15.47 and arriving in H-burg 20.15 on the second of february this current year 2k6. The trip back shall be at 13.28-17.59, but probably arriving in my apartment closer to 20.00... enough numbers?

Other news include Pixar being bought by Disney - who used to be a sponsor (or call it whatever you want..?!). I don't know how to take these news, considering the creativity of the Pixar crew and of course the quality of their animation which could become even more accompanied by Disney's lack of story writing creativity than before - but since top directors (including mr S. Jobs) will get topp positions at Disney, perhaps we'll see a rebirth of the old animation giants' creativity burst, like the phoenix bird rising again :-)

Hope is the last thing to leave...


måndag, januari 23, 2006


Hey, I just thought of all those photos you took in Leipzig - you could post them on flickr (and of course link to the album you create from here).

If you have some free time you could check out 43 Things about fun/interesting/evolving/meaningless stuff...


Ouch that hurts!!!

It`s - 15 degree here - no kiddin , no exaguration.
Even breathing hurts in these temperature. Its like the cold crawls down your

breathing channels. You just wanna shut them so it cant get in!

Combined with extreme tiredness this situation can be life threathening!

Like I just realized I cannot wrap my whole face exept for my eyes in a scarf while at the same

time eat an apple - considering my options I decided to throw the apple away.

Eating it forced me to breath through my nose all the time anyway.

And believe me that hurts : Feels like I have icicles op my nose....

buahhh .. its freakin cold out there.

I think I got my self a nice little flue in Leipzig since I only wore a summerskirt on sunday!

So today I went for pants + Skirt - and not to forget my pink to purple had , which is probably the reason why everyone was staring at me all scared..

mh or maybe that was just because I voluntarily come to school at 7:50 every monday, ya thats probably it !! I mean buinkers even I think I am out of my freezin mind!

To bad I didnt get around to put my fotos on the compy / blog.

I wish #I brought my digicam here coz then I could start the foto page or send u some uh and make some fotoart with the adobe package we have....

well could have , should have , would have

Anyway I ll look around for some Leipzig stuff online now !!!

;o) I ll talk to you in the afternoon

Hugs and schmugs

Here's> a scene from Faust @ Auerbachs Keller in Leipzig

Looks like the rest of the text is that place aswell!!! Might be nice if you wanna train your printer and just wanna have a trial read ;o)



Tip of the day - and some plans....

If you want, you can use the rss-feed to check if anything has been posted here:
E/H's Interesting Days

Of course, you can follow my other blog the same way on HunDev rss (try it right away and read my latest dev-post, including an actual image from my autumn project)

Today for me is about studying, just like tomorrow - the project exam is on wednesday between 13.00-13.45. We have to make a 20-25 minutes presentation followed by around 5-10 minutes of questions. The remaining time the supervisor and external censor discusses the grade and then give it to us.

On thursday I'll start working again - on the healthcare questionnaire for danish municipalities. However, I'll probably go to Copenhagen as well, for a round of beer to celebrate the end of the Exam period with Mads and Renée, following their exam in Image Analysis.

From Friday I'll hopefully work every day for the rest of the month, depending on if there's enough to do of course. Then on the 1st or 2nd of February I'll go to Hamburg for a few days. It even seems like I'm lucky with the train price now, since they lowered it to 298 DKK for a return ticket for the period of January-March.

söndag, januari 22, 2006

My other blog - the Hune DevBlog

I finally added a new post on my other blog. I'll update with work and study related things there.

fredag, januari 20, 2006

Weird day

I've been sitting most of the day - staring on the tv, staring on the computer screen or staring on the pencil and paper in my hand. The only break from staring was a siberian walk in the coldest snow storm I've experienced for ages.

I watched 4-5 episodes of tv-series, read the latest episode of BOFH; I tried to find some hope of a signing so that HIF doesn't go out of the series - without luck; I wrote down pros and cons about working alone compared to working with Mads - which was a very difficult thing to do... Around 2-3 in the afternoon I finally got some material from Sinus, in an e-mail which had been sent almost 3 hours earlier - great snow storm effect when it slows the internet down ;-p

I tried working for a while but could only manage 15-20 minutes, so I went into the kitchen and put some aubergine in a mix of soy, spices and water - hopefully it won't be impossible to eat, if I get the energy to cook it.

This has been a pretty lonely day - but I think I'm starting some things out, so I'll probably come out stronger on the other side. I just hope things clear up soon, since I'm getting a bit sick of not knowing what to do or what'll happen....

torsdag, januari 19, 2006

deadline mania

hey there

filling out applications tonight
still got the ielts application to send

+ going to the consulats tomorrow for additional info
have some free time in the morning :~)


tisdag, januari 17, 2006

New to me (the nerd)

Today was the first in ages - the first time in 2-3 years I think - that I did it. I can't believe that I only did it once or twice before. I finally created an install CD again ;-p

At the moment I'm watching some tv-prog my cute little prude girlfriend "wouldn't approve of": It's a show about men and women who have had long relationships teach eachother what they enjoy - no comments needed ;-p

I really hope HIF (Hbg football) will get some new players soon, especially since they sold the two best they had this week :'-( Maybe that's why I can't sleep...

Well at least it was a good day summarized, since I got some great applause from Sinus (install stuff), Lasse (comm with Austria ppl) and Jiri (minor appaluse, but still :p)

Today, I finally had a look at sites for swedish people in London - there's one really sticking out: http://www.londonsvenskar.com/. Hopefully that can get me in touch with interesting people if I move there :-)

måndag, januari 16, 2006

hey baby

did u watch any good movies lately?
wondering if there is something I could /should watch!?
maybe there is sth u found amusing, shocking , made you giggle
or else .. just tell me ;o)

fredag, januari 13, 2006

Need to shoot at little crums commin` down

If you wanna now what I am doing all weekend:

I am on a mission :

trying to get on the high score :D


New Thunderbird and the swedish language.

I finally got the new Thunderbird mail client - 1.5... It took me almost 20 hours from it first came out until I had installed it - I'm getting slow :-/

I decided to get some podcasts, and found that I had some already dl'ed that I hadn't listened to: You can find it at Forskning at framsteg (xml file) - the interesting podcast is "Ett språk ett rike", which is about the history of the swedish/nordic language(s)/dialects.

The next mp3 just started - It sounds like some kind of weird kids show with talking animal... and now I see it's Chaos Computer Club Köln - ep13 Kongress Knigge (yes, in german) - It doesn't make me impressed, but maybe it's "party radio"?

After that comes some more nerdy stuff - about what they call "Web 2.0" (like the drag-and-drop on the Google/ig site and other AJAX stuff)

Around 1-1.30 last night I solved the IE problem by doing it another way - and then it took 5-10 minutes, instead of the 3-4 hours I had spent on the methods that worked in Firefox but not in IE.... I hope this version also works in older versions ;-)

Now it's lunchtime - and no, I don't know what to make...


Update: I have to mention the green pigs that glow in the dark - and soon my Hanni can make her own ;-p

New Update: There's a new BOFH (writing while on the phone) :-) at BOFH 2/06

torsdag, januari 12, 2006

Todays report ;-p

Hey Hanni,

so far today I've woken up, had breakfast, done some workout (15 min cardio), had lunch and now I'm working since about 2 hours... oh I also went shopping today...

My calendar is at: Emils Calendar

Now I'm trying to figure out why IE is soooo stupid - it behaves completely different compared to Firefox on the thing I'm developing now :-/

Hope you're having a nice day

tisdag, januari 10, 2006

Why I love you so much

I just do!
It's like blood in my veines.
or feeling in the tip of my fingers
it's just there!
I didnt ask for it , but I could never live without it!

Love is magical.
You are magical!

In love

onsdag, januari 04, 2006

"Where I want to go ..."

create your own visited countries map

"Where I have been..."

Even briefly...

create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands

Where I want to go next : coming up tomorrow.
Definetly south east asia ( India , Tibet , Nepal :) )

--> map coming tomorrow

tisdag, januari 03, 2006

Where I want to go next

Visited countries...

create your own visited countries map