Tip of the day - and some plans....
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E/H's Interesting Days
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Today for me is about studying, just like tomorrow - the project exam is on wednesday between 13.00-13.45. We have to make a 20-25 minutes presentation followed by around 5-10 minutes of questions. The remaining time the supervisor and external censor discusses the grade and then give it to us.
On thursday I'll start working again - on the healthcare questionnaire for danish municipalities. However, I'll probably go to Copenhagen as well, for a round of beer to celebrate the end of the Exam period with Mads and Renée, following their exam in Image Analysis.
From Friday I'll hopefully work every day for the rest of the month, depending on if there's enough to do of course. Then on the 1st or 2nd of February I'll go to Hamburg for a few days. It even seems like I'm lucky with the train price now, since they lowered it to 298 DKK for a return ticket for the period of January-March.
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