lördag, mars 31, 2007

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Congratulations on your master degree :o)
Happy for you, that it was worth the effort after all.
Studying could be more stressing.
At the moment I have a month break, but as summer exams are approaching, I am spending it revising a lot. At imperial it seems that you can never do enough, break or no break.
On the other hand student life offers a lot of freedom and independence along with the responsibilities - so it is quite enjoyable.
Would love to write here once in a while as well...
Good luck for the appartment hunt. Hope you settle in well at your new job.


söndag, mars 25, 2007

The Copenhagen update


Hope all is well :-)

I finally had my thesis exam this friday, and passed with a great grade after being worried about not passing at all. The supervisor told us noone had ever solved the problem I had worked on...

My job in Copenhagen is interesting with some nice and positive people, and now I'm looking for good apartment in the city, so I don't have to commute 3-4 hours every day (I sleep some nights at my brothers place though - and they're about to move to a new apartment further south, but at least it's bigger than the current)

Thanks for updating this blog by the way... maybe I'll write once in a while here again :-) but I installed some blogging function on my own personal site (which is shared with my brother) so I'll probably write most there after some other functions on it are completed :-)

How are things going for you? Stressing studies? Any study job? Anything else? Don't forget to relax enough :-)

Etiketter: ,

måndag, februari 12, 2007

hey emil

how are things going for you?
wanted to wish u good luck for the upcoming deadline!so good luck!
London is starting to feel like home to me. hitting half of the first year now, I realize I know very little as of yet and probably have to put in some extra study shifts.
I dont know if you saw the pictures of snow chaos in London in the news - well I must report that eventhough I hope I havent lost my pure, innocent love for snow, in London it is just not the same and eventually comes down to wet feet and over heated trains and buildings - rather frustrating and hardly magical.
Well I guess as you grow up you lose just as much as you gain.

Looking forward to hearing news from you.

Take Care


torsdag, januari 11, 2007

Hello Hannah

I've been trying to log in to the blogger dashboard for writing to this blog a few times, but most of the time it doesn't let me in, so I created another blog for myself a week ago (also nice to have my own where noone nags about what I write :P). This time it took 20-30 minutes to log in (it kept 'loading', but only showing white). When I write to my other blogs it's always less than a second to login, publish etc..

I'm ok - I've had one job interview in Copenhagen and will probably have one in Malmö soon (would only work in Malmö if it was an attractive job though) and had a few recruiters who called me (mostly London and Cph).

The thesis isn't done, so I'm doing changes since the deadline was changed to march 1st. Meanwhile I have one paid project for Lasse, one 'fun project' for my own site and one project on a site for my mom (something about healing, meditation etc).

With everything going on, I still haven't had a vacation, except for one day every second week where I burn out, go to ashes and return as the bird Phoenix - speaking of which, I've made a painting of that, but don't have a camera to take photo of it now....

In other news, I bought three shirts today (actually my mom paid for them, as payment for the site I'm making for her)...

That's about it: Work, work, some more work, a bit of work, some research and more work.. oh, and a bit of job search, but I'm not desperate about that yet - and I take a walk every third day to get some air :D ... also I'm working out 4-6 days a week (only skip days when my muscles are too sore - O think I've lost 2-4 kg's the last two weeks :-D)

onsdag, januari 10, 2007

Brain Implosion

Hello Emil,

Little update from me:

Preparing night and day for my organisms exam, well no actually only day ...
Not much other news really, London is cold , wet and foggy at this time of the year. It never really gets to be light outside really. Can be slightly depressing to be honest.
My new years resolutions are eating healthy and vegetarian and ceizing the day.
How about you? Any thing you want to share?

Greetings from GeekCentral


lördag, december 16, 2006

Coffee cup quote :-)

I just saw a greate quote in swedish which I'd like to share:

Att designa en kaffekopp för inte världen framåt.

In english, this translates to

"Designing a coffee cup does not bring the world forward"

This is an extremely interesting quote, but I'll leave it to you to deduct why ;-p

torsdag, november 30, 2006

Logo... hmmm... name... hmm...

I decided to try coming up with a name and logo for the software I've created for my thesis. So far I have around 20-30 names and two created logos :-) More name suggestions are welcome, and so are suggestions on what should be in the logo...

The two logos I've created:

I won't use any of those two, but it's always good to create something from brainstorming quick to get ideas, and then see if there's any parts worth keeping after doing a few test iterations....

And some more:

tisdag, november 28, 2006

Why bother?

Some days I wonder if recruiters actually look at the CV before calling...

Today, while at the library, I was called by a recruiter from London (yes, the London in UK, capitol of England, Great Britain) , and was asked what my work situation was like and when I could be available for a job she thought suited me. When I said that there's 2-3 weeks left on my Uni studies and I would be available for jobs after that, she became quiet and said something like 'Oh, you are studying at the Uni?', even though it says that I'm about to finish up my studies in the first sentence of the CV I've sent to brittish sites, in the same first sentence where it says that I've been working parallel to the studies for the last 4-5 years.

She continued with something like 'since you are graduating now, you probably don't have enough experience' etc., even though I probably do.

Because the library was noisy (screaming children etc) while I talked to her, I didn't think about asking more about the job, or even stating that I probably do have the required experience combined with being a fast learner. Well, there's always things you think about after hanging up. I should probably make some list of questions and 'corrections' to use when talking to recruiters.

By the way, she said before hanging up that she found my CV in a search through their database
- I wonder why she didn't bother actually looking at the CV...

måndag, november 27, 2006

Well, not that London

I looked around for jobs in Computer Vision online today. I saw a job with a short description, where it said it was situated "along the banks of the Thames River in London" which of course sounds great.

Reading a few more words in the same sentence, I learned that London, Ontario (outside Toronto, Canada) has a river called Thames....

torsdag, november 16, 2006

Oh what a day!

My head is mash!

I spent 4-5 hours at the library, reading, structuring and commenting articles, papers, notes and books - and writing four pages for my report...

I did some work before leaving the library as well - but nowhere else is as productive as there. It's amazing how interesting cleaning up, washing dishes and watering the plants can be when you stay home for studying...

I went through less than one percent of the material I already had, but still had to find almost as much more material to refer to in the report...

I created new algorithms for some parts of the program, which should improve both measurement accuracy and maybe even the speed. Hopefully I can implement it after dinner tonight...

I have tired eyes and a hungry stomach, but it's worth it after a productive day at the library...

I'm making fish and rice for dinner, accompanied by some 'summer vegetables'...

I believe I deserve watching some TV for 30 minutes following the dinner...

I start too many sentences with the letter 'I' in this post - I wonder why..?

I need to start yoga again soon, there's nothing else as relaxing...