tisdag, juni 06, 2006

New Freedom , New Choices

After sleeping a convinient amount - not to late to miss all day not to early to feel hung over - I decided to tackle some things I always wanted to do.

For example - and maybe this is sth you can help me with :

  • I want a blog page with a world map containing symbols that serve as links - but also at the same time give an overview of different circumstances.
    Like a weapon for war - at the same time linking to articles about that war.
    or a $ -sign for a strong economic area etc
    This could diversify into many maps to different topics.

    Ofcourse - I could use html and a map-image and then enter coordinates. At the same time I dont now how to get symbols in there then without having to make a new map everytime or putting the map into the background and symbols on top.

    Anyway I was thinking that maybe you have and idea how to do that smoothly.

    Other things I should do is clean up here , throw away alot and keep the biology stuff and not much else if I can manage. YOu know my messy attitude.

    Well to kick things off I shall go running now - hopefully the weather god (whats his nordic name again?) will be good to me.

    For tonight I looked up a self-defence course I may visit if I find time to buy shoes for that.

    If the weather strikes through my plans - which it seems like pretty much :/ I still have to find an apartment for august which I can look into online. I think I send u the link.

    Au Revoir